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My heart is pounding, my mind is empty. I order myself up to stand, my body still shaking violently from the previous night as the nightmarish evening returns to my mind.


I look towards my mirror, finding a blank purple painted wall in its place. The shards are gone: I cleared them away during the night.

Except one.

One shard glistens under the glow of my lamp's artificial light reflecting off its serrated edge. I grab it, hiding it in a drawer, before pulling up my pyjama sleeves to see the ugly, deep and shrivelled gashes on my arms, reminding me of a past I cannot escape.


Then I finally realise the noise is yet to another figment of my imagination.

Just another part of my insane nature.


I get ready for the day; I pull on a long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of light blue denim dungarees to complete the outfit. Next, I put on some mascara, brush my teeth, and tie my hair up in a high ponytail, securing the loose short strands underneath with some hairpins. Whilst slipping on my boots, I hear a knock at the door.


It's Beastboy.


I use my powers to order the door to slide open, revealing my teammate in some black basketball shorts and a purple t-shirt.

''Hey.'' His eyes wander over my face. ''Cy made waffles. We're gonna eat them on the roof. You coming?''

I consider being with my friends for the morning, despite the fact I wanted to eat alone today. I agree anyway.

''See you there, then.'' He grins, walking off in the direction of the kitchen.

Once I've put my heeled boots on, I go to the roof. I push the glass door open, seeing the blue skies and a scarce amount of clouds in the sky. The glowing sun is displayed in the centre of the blue canvas, surrounded by flocks of birds.

A long table is surrounded by some sofas, like how it was on the day we played a basketball matched with some of the other superheroes.

No one is up here yet, so I take a seat on the couch, leaning on the plush cushions, taking my phone from the pocket of my dungarees. I answer some of my messages before the door to the roof swings open, revealing Starfire holding a tray filled with drinks.

''Greetings, friend Raven!''

''Morning, Starfire.'' I respond as she gives me a mug of herbal tea. ''Thanks.''

''How have you been the -'' Starfire is cut off by Cyborg sauntering onto the roof, holding a plate stacked with waffles.

''Booyah! Waffle time!'' he yells. I spot Robin behind him, carrying different coloured sauces. Finally, Beastboy emerges, holding bowls of fruit, such as strawberries. Everyone takes a seat on the plush sofas.

I grab a plate and use my magic to levitate two waffles to stack onto the dish. I get some sauces and pour the golden syrup over them.

''Here's a fork, Rae.'' Beastboy passes one to me.

''Thank you.'' I begin to eat the sweet breakfast, savouring every bite.

The team talks for a while, and I catch up with Starfire. She tells me all about her shopping spree yesterday.

''What did you buy?'' I ask, trying to appear interested in the conversation.

Starfire goes on to describe an immense list of clothes and items she bought: dresses, heels, bags, makeup, nail varnish, skirts, jeans... The list continues long after I've finished my food.

''Anyway, Raven, what have you been the up to?''

I'm snapped back into reality. ''Nothing really.'' I reply bluntly, just as Cyborg, Robin and Beastboy start to clear away the remains of the breakfast.

Starfire begins to leave as well. ''I'll see you the soon, okay, Raven? If you would like to do the shopping, you know where I will the be!''

''Yep.'' Once everyone has left, I sit on the edge of the roof, observing the city far away, spotting little clusters of people going about their morning.

My mind once again wanders. It wanders to the night before: the crying, the cutting and the feeling of loneliness.

It's a feeling I've become well accustomed to.

My thoughts are interrupted as Beastboy walks over to the sofa. He sits down next to me.

''Are you okay? You seemed kind of distant today.'' He looks me in the eyes.

''Me? I'm fine,'' I answer.


''Yeah. Sure.''

''If you are okay, then I'm okay,'' he answers, staring off into the horizon. His eyes flit over my arms for a few moments before looking up at my face.

I pull the sleeves over my wrists instinctively, looking at him.

''You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm here, Raven. Remember that. I'll listen.''

''I know.'' I lie down on his lap, looking up at the blue sky.

''If you ever need help, you know who to ask.''

Aww! Little cuties! Bit of a nothing chapter, not much went on, I know

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Aww! Little cuties! Bit of a nothing chapter, not much went on, I know. Schools in England are shut now, so I've been doing online classes at the moment, which is why I'm not actually updating more, despite me not being at school. Hope you liked this little chapter. I'm happy to announce that I think I'm almost at the end of this book. Yes, I know they haven't kissed yet. I promise they will. I'm also going to start up a BBRae/Teen Titans One-Shot book, so go look at that if you wish. Any typos in this? Please let me know. Love you all. Bye for now.

 Bye for now

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