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''Please, follow me,'' Azar says, as my mother, Beastboy and I walk down a level and enter a room, paved with grey tiles, and marble walls

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''Please, follow me,'' Azar says, as my mother, Beastboy and I walk down a level and enter a room, paved with grey tiles, and marble walls. A desk sits by a window, scattered with papers, scrolls, books and pens. 

Azar takes a seat in front of the desk, searching for a piece of paper, hidden by the mess. 

''I presume you are living on Earth?'' Azar asks as I take a seat on one of the cream coloured chairs, closest to the door.

''Yes, I have been there for the past seven years.'' I confirm, taking a glass of water from beside me. Azar doesn't reply, instead, she continues opening and closing different folders, trying to find whatever she is looking for. 

Azar finally turns towards me, summoning a pen, and laying a notebook she has found from a drawer, on the desk in front of her. 

''I'm afraid we are going to have to get down to business,'' she says. 

Adrenaline floods my body. My heart beats as fast as it possibly can, unable to slow down.  I want to run away from the situation, wishing I threw away that letter without a second thought the other night. The adrenaline continues to surge my system. I feel beads of sweat on my brow, and bile creeping up my throat. I wish I never came here to begin with. 

But then I understand.

This is something I have to do. 

What I need to do. 

''I know you are probably not in the best position to talk about your father, Raven, but it is something we need to do. To protect the citizens of Azarath. We can't let the same thing happen again, the same fate that Ariel had to suffer.''

I nod, my hand instinctively searching for his. 

His hand clasps around mine, sending a message to me that he's right there, and will be this whole time. 

''Okay,'' I answer, and I look towards my mother, who is now leaving the room. 

''When was the last time Trigon contacted you?'' Azar asks, almost whispering his name, as if a single utter of his name could summon him in front of us. 

Maybe it could. 

I quickly dismiss that thought from my mind, concentrating on the question I have been asked. 

''Three weeks ago.'' I murmur, recalling the night after I met Noah for the first time. 

''How did he appear to you? Visually, or -''

''He speaks to Raven,'' Beastboy answers for me, sensing my aura of fear and panic. ''She told me that he speaks to her, but it is all in her head. She can't see him.''

''Alright,'' Azar responds, writing notes in the book. ''Do you remember anything he specifically told you?'' She continues to probe further, but I just stare blankly at the window behind her. Azar soon realises I will not open up. 

She shuts her book. ''Please, Raven. You are the only one here who can I help us.'' 

She must think I don't want to help Azarath. 

It's not that I don't want to. 

I can't. 

''I'm sorry, ma'am, but I don't think Raven is in the right mindset to do this. She's gone through a lot these past few weeks. Maybe if you give me some kind of notebook, Raven could write some things she remembers into it, and we'll bring it back when we are ready.'' Beastboy answers and Azar considers this for a few moments. 

''I guess that's the only thing we can do for the time being.'' She gives Beastboy the notebook, and he opens the largest pocket in his backpack and places the book safely inside. 

I internally breathe a sigh of relief. All the tension escapes from inside my system, and my body relaxes as all the fear leaks from me. 

''It was such an amazing time to see you again Raven, after all this time, but I'm sorry we had to meet in such circumstances.'' She envelops me in a final hug. ''Look after yourself, dear. Don't worry too much.''

I nod, and Azar turns to Beastboy. ''Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for Raven. I can see that you are such great support for her.'' 

''You are very welcome.'' He responds. 

My mother enters the room once more, and hugs me tightly, wiping the tears from her eyes. She pulls back from the embrace. ''Make sure you'll come back, okay? I've missed you so much over these years, and I'm so happy you have finally returned.'' She pauses, stroking my hair. ''Remember that I love you, and I'll be with you always.'' 

''Goodbye mother,'' I choke out, whispering words of love to her and Azar. ''I'll see you soon.'' 

I summon a portal, and land back in the comfort of my room, back in the tower. 

I thought I would never see them again. 

Yet, I've found my mother and Azar. 

As we know, Raven was born in Azarath

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As we know, Raven was born in Azarath. Where are you guys from? I'm an English Queen. Tea and crumpet, anyone? By the way, people in England sound nothing like you think. We are not posh! What's a typical stereotype your country has?

 We are not posh! What's a typical stereotype your country has?

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