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Sunlight seeps through the blinds, entering the room

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Sunlight seeps through the blinds, entering the room. The golden beams land on Raven's face, disrupting her sleep. Sensing the light, she reluctantly opens her eyes, stretching for a few moments, before she jolts up, barely recognising the room she is in. 

The only feature that makes her eventually realise it is Beastboy's room is the piano in the corner, along with a plum purple ukelele, and a guitar hanging on the wall. Numerous notebooks are scattered around the instruments, filled with lyrics, musical notes, and occasionally a few complete songs. 

Raven checks the alarm clock next to her, reading 10:27 am, before she hauls herself off the bed, and begins to walk towards the door. Noticing she is still in the hoodie she was in last night, Raven goes to exit the bedroom to get changed when she comes face to face with the green changeling.

''Oh hey, Raven! You're up!'' The herbal tea he is holding gives off a soothing scent that helps Raven to relax from the scare she just had. ''Sorry, Rae didn't mean to scare you.'' 

''It's alright.'' She smiles, walking backwards to allow Beastboy to go into his room. The door slides behind him. ''What time did I fall asleep last night?'' 

''About 11 pm.'' He pauses, looking at the girl. ''Oh yeah. This is for you.'' Beastboy gives the tea to Raven. She clutches the handle, supplying rich heat to her pale hands. ''I hope I did it right.'' He chuckles. 

''It's great,'' she replies, just after taking the first sip of the aromatic drink. ''Did I fall asleep on the roof last night?''

''Yeah, you did. I didn't know the code to your room so I brought you in here.'' Raven doesn't reply at first. He takes that as a bad sign. 'You don't mind - right?' 

''No, no, of course not.'' A small smile creeps up onto her face. ''Where else would I have slept?'' 

No one speaks for a few moments, just before Beastboy explains that he has got to go to have a shower, and Raven takes this as the time to return to her room. 

After having a short shower, she opens her wardrobe and picks out a black dress with a small embroidered sunflower in the centre, just below her collarbone. Putting on some fishnet tights, she summons a hairbrush from her desk and brushes her hair out whilst finishing getting dressed. Next, she applies some mascara and a slight hint of blush, before going to the bathroom to finish her daily routine. 

Her stomach rumbles at the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. Recalling the strawberry feast from last night, she is empowered with a new sense of hope and happiness.

Walking off to the common room, she spots Starfire emerging from her room. 

''Hey, Starfire!''

''Hello, friend Raven!'' Starfire returns, observing the happy girl smiling at her. ''I love the new haircut!''

''Oh, thanks.'' 

Going to the common room together, the girls chat for a few minutes. Starfire has not seen Raven at all in the past week. 

''Is that the breakfast?'' Starfire asks when seeing Cyborg with a frying pan.

''Why, yes it is Star! Eggs, toast, hash browns, pancakes -'' he pauses noticing Beastboy behind the two girls. ''Bacon and sausages! The mighty meat!'' 

''Not that mighty if you ask me.'' The changeling laughs, approaching the half robot. 'For me?' 

''You got the fake meat.'' Cyborg points to another plate, pretending to look in disgust, but ends up patting his best friend on the back, nattering on about videogames. 

''Where is friend, Robin?'' The pink-haired teen asks, just as Cyborg serves the food on the table. 

''He left early to do some top-secret spy stuff I guess. He'll be back by midday, replies Cyborg to Starfire.''

Raven sits by Beastboy, adding two pancakes on her plate. 

''Hey, grass stain!'' Beastboy looks over at Cyborg, tucking into his sausages and bacon. ''Fancy some basketball after breakfast?''

''Basketball? Seriously?''

''You mean the videogame version?'' Starfire cuts in.

''No, the real sport!'' 

''Sure.'' The changeling grins, finishing his meal. He places his dish in the sink, sitting back at the table, continuing to chat with his teammates. After a few minutes, Cyborg places his plate in the sink and reaches to the letter pile in the corner. 

''Hey, Raven! A letter came for you today!'' Raven looks up at the tinman, clutching a letter with no stamp, just a scribbled five-letter word on the front. 

''Thanks,'' she murmurs, taking the envelope from his hand, observing the piece of mail. 

''Who's it from?'' Beastboy asks, leaning over to look at it. ''No address on it at all.'' 

Raven stares blankly at the letter and is deep in thought at who could have sent her this anonymous mail. 

There is something eerily familiar about how the letters are shaped that reminds her of a person she hasn't seen for over three years. 

Could it be?

That's impossible.

A thousand questions form in her mind, all asking the same thing. 

Is she alive?

DUN DUN DUN! Who could the letter be from? We know it's likely someone from Raven's past who she hasn't seen for a long time, but who? Guess in the comments! By the way, Ariel is one hundred per cent dead, just in case you thought there is a possi...

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DUN DUN DUN! Who could the letter be from? We know it's likely someone from Raven's past who she hasn't seen for a long time, but who? Guess in the comments! By the way, Ariel is one hundred per cent dead, just in case you thought there is a possibility she could be alive. 

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