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I sit on my bed, not able to sleep from the nightmare I had

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I sit on my bed, not able to sleep from the nightmare I had. It's early in the morning, where the sky is still dark and I can see each star, studded in the night sky. I stare at the sky, waiting for sleep to overtake me. But it never does.

The night sky is the most beautiful masterpiece. Every star is alive with energy, shining brighter and brighter until the sky is so alive with light, that even the sun cannot outshine it. If there is a God, I want to see how he created the night, how he used his articulate hands to create something so beautiful. To sculpture something so dark, so mysterious, that holds so many secrets.

I sit in complete silence until I can hear the soft pitter-patter of the rain. The rain brings nature alive. All the colours are enrichened with the drops of water, adding a sense of calmness to the force of the wind. I can almost feel the soft breeze on my face, the delicate pearl-shaped drops on my cheek, the same as my tears.

Through the mist, I can see the moon, illuminating the sky, accompanied by the stars. It weaves in and out of the hazy clouds, eventually revealing itself to me when the haze clears. The moon is so simplistic, yet so beautiful. Every crater indented into its skin is not an imperfection. It is what makes it different from everything else: the sun, the stars, the clouds, the planets. It is unique.

I step out of my room, and I quietly brew myself a herbal tea. Unlike before, when the blood was coursing through my veins, I am calm. My heart is calm, beating slowly, just hanging on. When the kettle is finished, I pour the water into a mug, and I drop the tea bag into the cup. The herbs seep out of the teabag, colouring the water a dark brown. I leave my mug on the side, and I find myself watching the world from inside the common room.

Beyond the horizon, the sun is just piercing the night sky, driving away the darkness. With it follows the mixture of hues: reds, oranges and yellows. The night is over, the day has begun.

I walk back towards the kitchen and clasp the cup in my hands, the heat long since gone from my herbal tea. I sip it anyway, savouring the cool flavour of the drink on my tongue.

Once I have finished my tea, I walk back to my room, glancing at the alarm clock. 5:56 am. I change out of my sweaty pyjamas, and I slide into my leotard and cloak. I fiddle with the hem of my cloak, gliding my fingertips over the fabric until my alarm beeps signifying it is 6 am. Robin will be up soon.

With nothing else to do, I wash my face, attempting to wash off the stains of mascara from underneath my eyes. I shiver slightly at the sudden gust of cold wind, but I realise there never was a gust of wind. It was just my imagination.

Was it my imagination though?

I look back in the direction of the wind, but, if there even was wind, I do not feel the breeze anymore.

''Raven...'' I hear a soft whisper from across my room. ''Over here...''

I look around, but I do not see anyone. I dismiss the whisper as my mind replaying Trigon's words.

''Raven. I've got to be quick,'' the whisper says again, but with more urgency. ''In the mirror.''

I snap my head towards the mirror, but I only see myself.

''Closer,'' the whisper persists.

I step closer towards the reflective surface, and I see a flash of a girl with blond hair.


I reach the mirror, and I gaze into the reflection. The mirror's surface seems to ripple like water, and the image focuses.

''You must go back to Azarath.'' It's Ariel talking to me. The last time I saw Ariel was six or seven years ago. ''You must return.''

''Ariel!'' I say, trying to reach her through the mirror, but there is no point. She's not real.

With her brief words spoken, the image of Ariel disappears and is replaced by the familiar reflection of my own.

It suddenly dawns on me that Ariel wasn't trying to tell me to visit. She's trying to warn me. She's trying to tell me something has happened in Azarath.

Please, Ariel. Please.

It can't be.

Ooh? What's happened? Sorry for the late updates, got a lot of school work to do

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Ooh? What's happened? Sorry for the late updates, got a lot of school work to do. Love you all, thank you so much for voting!

 Love you all, thank you so much for voting!

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