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Over the next few days, Azar decided she would teach Raven to control her emotions herself

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Over the next few days, Azar decided she would teach Raven to control her emotions herself.

The time went quickly as Azar taught her a mixture of mediation, reading, writing, mathematics, and exercises to reduce stress.

The only way to control her powers, were not to show any at all.

Over the years, Raven developed many different powers. She could manipulate objects and teleport. The list when on and on, and soon, Azar realised that she was capable of doing any spell in her spellbooks.

As Raven grew older, the portal of Limbo was reconstructed because the portal was the only way to escape Azarath if the city had to flee to another dimension.

Instead of building it on the outskirts of the city, Azar requested it to be built inside the palace. She built another room, next to her bedroom. The door to the room was padlocked five times, and the Great Door (the Portal of Limbo) had numerous padlocks, forcefields, and security measures around it. The room was heavily guarded at all times. A red alarm was also located just above the entrance to the room, and if any padlock was open, it would flash and beep very loudly.

Eventually Raven reached the age of ten years old. She had grown a lot taller than her toddler self, but she still had the same purple locks, and large amethyst eyes.

She had regular sessions with Azar, and became so close to her, she distanced from her own mother.

Raven learned to love literature and mediation, and it was all she did in her free time. A child she used to play when she was younger also loved to read. It was Ariel. The girl with long blonde tresses, who was the last one to see Raven being taken away with Juris, became her closest friend.

They would talk all the time about their favourite stories. It would transport them to different worlds. It always saddened Ariel's heart when Raven had to leave for a session with Azar. Ariel always waited for Raven to return.

When Raven was sitting with Ariel, chatting about a book she had just read, her mother ran into her room. Her eyes were glassy, as if she had been crying.

''It's Azar,'' she whispered, and by the look on Raven's face, the mother didn't need to explain more.

Raven burst into the hospital, and ran to Azar's private section. Azar lay on her bed, clutching her chest.

''Azar!'' Raven wailed, as the doctors were trying to save her. Raven knew Azar's time was near, as she had been ruling Azarath for at least two hundred years.

Azar's daughter was holding her hand, across from Raven. Her daughter was next in line to rule Azarath, and she was also called Azar and looked identical to her mother. Raven hardly ever saw her, possibly because she already looked after many productions in Azarath already.

Raven tried hard to hold her tears in, but they tumbled down her face. Azar had taught her well over the years, and Raven had managed to show some of her sadness without destroying everything.

Arella whispered in Azar's ear. ''Thank you. Thank you for everything. You have saved my life and my daughter's. Thank you.''

Azar smiled sadly, but managed to choke out a few words. ''You must carry on teaching her. You must.''

Arella nodded, just as Azar's eyes lost their focus, and she entered into the world of death.

This chapter made me so sad

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This chapter made me so sad. Poor Azar! Just for clarification, the Azar that died at the end of this chapter is the first Azar of Azarath. Her daughter: the second Azar of Azarath will take over. Thank you for reading and voting!

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