Chapter 37: Stop fooling around will you.

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(Yukki's POV)

What....I....I can't move. My body feels like nothing. I can't feel my body. What is going on. Xayvier-nii is looking at me. He looks worried. But I can't even move nor talk. What is going on.

"What's wrong, yukki.?" Xaylo-nii asked me, but how can I answer him...

Huh!!!!... No!!!... My flames... Why is it coming out. Especially this one. No!!!... Oh no.!!! Onii-chan and Reikyou will be in danger. No... Everyone will be in danger...

Huh.!! I can't see.. Where am I.... Please... I don't know what's going on anymore. Please someone do something. 

Huh.. I can hear something.. Voice.. But I don't know who. Am I being controlled.? Someone, somebody, everyone. Help me.. Please.. Enn-chan save me...

~at the same time~
(Reilen's POV)

What is this feeling.... It feels like something bad is going to happen.

"Are you OK.? You look know like bothered and worried about something.." Kyo-chan asked me while carrying me to our room. And he's amazing. Even though he's hurt. He still carried me while running. Oh well... What can I expect to the strongest guardian of tsu-chan and the ex demon king

Oh shoot...!! I don't have time to be empresses with my husband.

"Kyo-chan stop..!"
"I said stop.!" He stopped and look at me while frowning.

"Will you stop frowning.. You'll get wrinkles." I told him.

*glare* what..! That was one scary glare OK... "Can you stop fooling around. Now is not the time for that." He said  with a slight venom on his voice..

O...k... I got scolded by my husband... Thank you very much.

"OK...ok...! Geez..! I'm just trying to lighten the mood.. You look scary. And I don't want you to go on rampage. Not while I'm carrying your babies." I told him. We managed to make it in front of our room's door.

"*sigh* I know. Sorry. Its just.. I couldn't even protect you from him. I've let him get near you." He said with a wait... Is that a pout... Oh my gosh...he's so cute... Hehehe... *sigh* now then.. Time to get serious. The class is also here and the 10th vongola.

"Kyo-chan... Go back there. You need to help them. Something bad is going on over there." I told him but he only look at me like I was kidding.

" I'm not going to leave you here alone."
"I'm not going to be alone. Just go to them. Help them."
"Huh...! Im-"
"Just go Kyoya. She will be fine. I'm going to have them all in one room. Takeshi, Mukuro, Ryohie, Xanxus, and I will be with them." Ren-chan said or more like ordered.

Kyo-chan on the other hand was speechless. Although he looks so pissed.

"Uhm...ano.... Hiari-san, reborn-san. I...I mean.. We don't know what exactly is going on..but. I think Mao-san is right. I don't know how to put it in words bu....something bad is going to happened and someone will be in danger."

We all look at her. And I was like or more like a ten ton hammer and a 10,000 electric volt hit me.

"Oh my gosh..! That guy. He can control and manipulate a person or any living things. And if he uses it on a person. That person will be controlled. He won't see and talk. And he will only go for the kill." I said and Kyo-chan then realized something. "And the only way to break it is.." "Love." Added Kyo-chan.

"Well that's absorbed..  But.. That is definetely going to be troublesome. Kufufufufu."

"Reilen, Hibari. What are the mostly being manipulated.?" Xanxus asked while he was leaning on the wall with Squallo beside him.

"Mostly.. If the person is weak."
"Or have a strong feelings to someone and is a coward to confess." Kyo-chan and I answered them as Ren-chan absorbed all the information and just sigh. But you can see that he was also tense and kinda scared.

"Kyoya. Go and help them. Class will come and help Tsuna and the rest also Reilen. Squallo and the pregnants will rest. Mukuro, Takeshi, ryohie, and xanxus will guard the whole room with me."

Kyo-chan was reluctant at first but did as told. "Go. And force that carbon copy of yours to confess to the black rabbit. Ok.. *wink.* he smirk and left while the others were a little bit at lost.

Hi everyone... Sorry for the delayed..

Anyways... Guys.. Im not sure what to say. But stay safe and....just be careful. I do hope this virus will soon be over...

Thank you again for reading...

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