Chapter 32: hell days in Italy and the 7 guests

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(No one's POV)

The next day. The students woke up with bumps on their heads and an electrified hair. They were all standing outside the mansion with Nono, the archobaleno's and the others mafiaso's.

"They will be your teacher. Aria for etiquettes and manner which is very important since all of you lack with that knowledge.

Fon and mamon is for history. Verde is for Science. Collonelo and Lal for physical education. Skull, bell and flan will be your Math, English, and Music. Nana, Bianchi and Kikyo will be your Home ec. And Reborn will be the one to supervise all the subjects but he won't be present all the time." Nono said as he look at reborn and back to the students and teacher. "I still need to look after Tsuna.. So the one's who will be there while I'm not around will be Xanxus, Zakuro, Adelhied, and Byakuran." Reborn said as the people mentioned came to view and start glaring at the scared students and Nezu.

"Now. The first lesson is P.E. All of you Run 10 laps around the whole field. Any questions.?" Reborn ask since Nono had already left for his meeting.

"Reborn-san. I have a question... Is it true that you and Da-i mean Sawada ere engaged.?" Asked by a girl who has a nervous look on her face.

"That question is not related to the lesson and that is none of your business. But to answer that,. Yes we are.. NOW GET MOVING AND START RUNNING." He did and fired his gun.

And so fbe class start. The first up to fourth laps were OK but when they reach their fifth, the field began to be filled by smokes and explosion. Landmines, smokescreens, arrows, and other traps began to activate. After they finished their laps. All of the students were sent to the infirmary and then to their next lessons.

Aria's class was peacefull since its about etiquette.

Fon and Mamon's class was rather scary since every time Fon explain Mamon will create some illusions like killing and other scary things.

Verde was worst. He began experimenting in front of the class and his chosen gineu pig was none other than Nezu. And his lesson was....... well let's leave it to your imagination.

For Skull. He left for mission leaving Bell and Flan to take over the class with Reborn. And instead of a lesson it became a turture for the students. Stringed knives, illusions, and bullets were thrown to the students.

During lunch. Bianchi, Nana and Kikyo teach them how to cook. The students were the one to cook their lunch and ate it. But not long since they began eating, they all race towards the bathroom. Well.....who wouldn't when you let Bianchi touch the ingredients.

And so...... The week of being in hell passed. Now they only have three days left before they go back to Japan. The students also got their chance to roam around Italy.

For now. Everyone was once again having a dinner when the door opened revealing seven teens. Three boys and four girls.

Everyone stop eating and look towards the new comers.

"We came here for emergency." A long black haired teen said.
"That hooded person sent us here." A spiky white haired boy said.
"We need to warn you about it." A white with a mix of black not so spiky haired boy said.
"And the hooded person was someone the triplets know." Said by a strawberry lemon haired girl.
"And she said. That guy is going to attack soon." A long black haired girl said.
"He's coming to get you Reilen-san." Said by an ash gray haired girl.
"And she sent us here to help the triplets for saving you Reilen-san." Said by a long black and white haired girl.

"Xaylo-nii, Xayvier-nii, Hayashi, Naru, Lampie, Ryonna, Ayame." Called by Roya, Kyoulen, and Yukkiyoshi while the other three (Renayoshi, Churo, and Reikyou) just look at them and give them a nod then continue eating ignoring the new comers.

To be continued ~~~

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