Chapter 2: Vongola +Master assassin (part:1)

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(no one's pov)

"whaaahh.! hurry guys they're chasing us." A boy with brown hair said. "Jyudaime. Let me fight them. I will blow them all away." Shouts by a silver head guy. "Hahahahaha. This sure is fun." said by a laughing black haired guy. "WHY THE HELL ARE THEY CHASING US." a girl with cold voice shouts with rage. "A.ano. It's because you punch and knock their leader Reilen-chan."a pineapple haired girl said with a very shy voice. Shouts, screams, and laughs filled the hallways. "They started it. Besides that idiot deserved it. That stupid guy want's to kiss Tsu-chan. Im only defending my ships you know." the girl with cold voice said with a wide grin on her face.

The three teens watch them having an arguement. The group of being chased pass them and the chasers were about to reach them, when someone kick one of the chasers. He gave another kick and punch the other two. He kick, punch, push, and he knocked them out.

"Onni-chan!! Why did you do that.?" Exclaimed Roya and Kyoulen. "Hn." Reikyou's only respond. They firts look at the K.Oed chasers then turn around to start walking, but stop. Infront of them were the being chased group, standing and starring straight at them. The brown haired smile at them and thank them. Black haired, silver haired, and pineapple haired girl, thank the the three teens. The other girl just gave them a nod as a thanks.

The group was chatting with each other when the brown haired invite the three to join them at the rooftop and they agree. When they arive, the silveret opened the door and they all enter. Roya first notice a kid, and a pineapple standing near the fence. The group approach the kid and the pineapple and then sit on the floor. Lucky enough, the weather is nice.

They were having a chat when the door opens. They look towards the door to see two guys entering. The other boy with black hair, icy black eyes, he's wearing a school uniform and a jacket on his shoulders. The other one has an onyx black eyes, black hair and a fedora hat, hes wearing a black suit, and a chameleon on his right shoulder starring straight to the group.

"Oh.! Reborn, Kyoya. Come meet our new friends." The brunnet said. The two walk towards them, when they reach the group, the brunnet hand them their lunch box. The two took a seat. The fedora wearing guy sat beside the brunnet and the other one sat far from them.

"Hey guys meet, uh-um, whats you'r names again.?" The brunnet said chuckling while scratching the back of his head. "Oh right! We haven't introduced ourselves yet." exclaimed Roya. "I'll go first. My name is Kyoulen, im the youngest of the triplets." Kyoulen said. "I'm Roya the middle." Roya said, "ReiKyou, the eldest." reikyou said. "We are Triplets." Roya excitedly said. "Well its nice to meet you three, the names Reborn, worlds greatest hitman." The fedora wearing guy known as Reborn said. "Reborn." The brunnet shouts in shock. But reborn ignore him, and said. "Dame Tsuna, introduce yourself now, all of you. 10th Generation Vongola famiglia,." Said reborn while smirking.

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