Chapter 35: Kyou and Reivana

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(No one's POV)

After dinner, they remain inside the Dining area. Some of them were standing by the door, sitting on the windows and some were sitting on their partners lap so they could listen to Reilen and Kyoya clearly.

"Ok..... So now I will tell you all the truth.. Or rather. WE will tell you all the truth... " Reilen said as everyone in the room nod. (Including the class) "Hn. No interruptions." Kyoya said and everyone nod at the sane time afraid of the consequences they would get if they defy Kyoya's rule. Well not everyone though, reborn just smirk under his fedora, Xanxus and squallo grunts at the same time, and Mukuro who wants to tease the skylark shuts his mouth because of a deadly glare directed at him by his sweet, lovely, shy, and charming girlfriend/fiancé Chrome..

"first of all. Aria... Do you have any memory about the past before vongola and triniset was formed.?" Reilen said seriously. "Yes. I have.. Although, just fragments of it.. Why.?" Aria answered her even though she was still confuse by the sudden question.

"Can you tell me what it is." "Well before, along with Sefira and Kawahira, there were also two people. A girl and a boy. They both have crowns and seems like they're some royalty or something. Sefira, Kawahira, and the others were bowing to them and they were talking. Seems like their friends. Then  there's also like a fire around the area and the boy with a flaming sword stabbed in his chest and some small daggers with flames stabbed around his body. Then a girl lying there lifeless." She said. "Why.?" She added while still confuse.

"The girl and boy, is Me and Kyoya." Reilen said. Everyone was surprised at what she said except for reborn. "Reincarnated. Nonhumans to humans." Added Kyoya. And once again... Everyone was surprised but they didn't dare to interrupt the two since they all know what comes to them if they did..

"1000 years ago. Me and Kyoya were ruler of the Demons and Vampires in this world as Demon King and Vampire Princess, maybe some of you heard this names before... Kyou the heartless Demon and Reivana the Hot-Tempered Vampire." She said.

"I've heard those names before. It's written in history. So you two were their reincarnation. Said by Mukuro, Flan, and Hayato at the same time. "And these eye of mine was from those two. I heard one of those scientists before, taking about a fossils of the demon king and vampire princess. And they create these eye the path of hell which I became the subject for that experiment." Mukuro said while frowning because of his experience with you know who...

Everyone was speechless of what the Hibari couple and Mukuro have said but still they remained silent and keep on listening to them.

"Yes.. I retrieved my memory the first time Me and Rei met. But her on the other hand, remembered everything when I almost die because of Jagger." Kyoya said with an annoyed look on his face. And once again.. Everyone gapped like a fish. Kyoya just said a long sentence consists of 27 words.

"Kyou and Reivana live peacefully together with the demons, vampires, and the try humans (I forgot what they called) or creators. One day, our kingdom was attacked by a traitor from the creators. He has the power to manipulate everything. Living or non living. He manipulated the demons and vampires as well as the creators. We manage to free the creators from being manipulated and let them escape. I lead them to some safe place while kyou was fighting with the traitor and those who he had been manipulated."

"When I came back from letting the creators escape, I saw him and the traitor fighting. The traitor was heavily injured but because of me. Kyou was stabbed right at his heart. Usually demons have 7 hearts. But kyou has 9. And all 9 of his hearts were crushed by that traitor. He died because he tried to protect me, since I'm the one the traitor is after. That traitor is kinda blabbermouth you know. He wanted me to be his. Kyou died in front of me which cause me to rampage. I slaughter everyone. Demons, vampires, and including the traitor. After that. I died because of too much exhaustion and blood loss. Vampires can die if they didn't drink blood right before they reach their limits. And I haven't.. Or rather chose not to drink and let my self die. Besides, I don't like living alone, without Kyo-chan I rather die than to live without him. A queen without her king is like a lifeless doll to begin with."

"I don't know how many centuries have passed, but I woke up being cuddeled by a woman. Later on I found out I got reincarnated. I told everything to my brother and he helped me look for kyou if ever he also got reincarnated. Oh.! And that brother of mine is Bermuda." Reilen told them.

"I met Giotto and he made me join Vongola. I was also rein carnated as Alaude. I told Giotto everything. Then one day, there was a girl who infiltrate the mansion. And she charge straight at Mr with a kiss until I realize it was Reivana who infiltrate and kissed me. The other guardians were confused so I told them everything. Although, that Melon pissed me so much that Iended up destroying half of the mansion." Kyoya who to told them suddenly released a massive amount of KI. He was calmed down by Reilen while the others made different kinds of expressions.

"After that, I told him that, that traitor is alive and still after me. I met Sefira and Kawahira-san again and they told me that only the two of them are alive. I remember what one of the creators told me before so I ask Sefira about it. And she told me "a new uler will be born with both power of dark and light. A savior of humanity and the destroyer of  evil" at first, I don't get what she said. Until I realize that I have both hell flames and light flames or you may call the light flammes as the sky elements flames also known as rainbow flames. While Kyou have hell flames and death flames. And the two of us  ant control so I told him, but in the end I died again. " Reilen said she smiling at them as everyone sweatdrop.

"*sigh* yes she died. She forgot she's no longer immortal. She jumped from the roof and got stabbed and electrocuted by the security systems that I made for the mansion." When Kyoya said that, he was looking at everyone and he had to put a hand at his mouth to hold himself from laughing. "And you know how Alaude died so... And now here I am." He added when he regained his composure.

"So now you are pregnant, and your future childrens are here but...who among them has thosd flames." Tsuna asked them still confuse.

"I think I have an idea." Says by Reilen and Kyoya at the same time.
"And so us. We may have an idea." Yukkiyoshi said.
"*sigh* so that's why Dad told me not to use those flames." Commented by Reikyou.
"What do you mean Reikyou.?"

"Well you see Mama. We are talking about Reikyou who has those flames. Out of the triplets, he's the only one that has those different and creepy flames." Hayashi answered his Mama's question.

"Yeah. I have them." He said as he lit both of his hands, one with seven colored flames and the other one was a black violet with some red colored flames.

"And I can cntroll them."


thank you again for reading... thank you so very much..

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