Chapter 16: Secret between a Horse and a Bunny

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'Italian speaking'
'normal speaking'

"Little brother. Its your turn." I called for my brother. "Eh! Whose your little brother sense.?" Ask by a girl. "Ah.! Its Tsuna." I said with a smirk.


(No one's POV)

"Dame-Tsuna is your brother.?" Ask by a boy. Dino nod and whispers and insults was heard and being said.

"Hahahaha! Nice one sensie."
"How can he be your brother. He's just a Dame."
"He's useless"
"He's just a trash that doesn't need to exist"
And so on.

The whole class went silent when they heard gunshots. They saw Reborn and Reilen with smocking gun.

"Shut the hell up." The whole class shivered as they heard that venomous voice which owned by the pissed Reborn who was now leaking some deadly killing intent.

"*ahem* Now that its settled. Little bro. Why are you letting them insult you.?" Dino ask Tsuna. "Its OK Dino-nii, as long as its not physical." Answered Tsuna with a reassuring smile.

The whole class once again become a gaping fishes shock that the Dame just speak Italian fluently.

"But still..." "Dino-nii. Stop worrying so much." "I can't stop worrying little bro. Especially now." Dino counyered as he sighed.

Tsuna on the other hand look down. He really is guilty for making his Dino-nii worry for him. "Dino-nii, I'll be fine. And if they hurt me physically. Then ill fight back even though I hate hurting others. But now I really need to defend myself. I can't let them hurt it." Tsuna said to Dino determination filled within his eyes.

"Ok. Just stay healthy and safe for the remaining months." Dino said giving up from arguing with Tsuna.

"Wait. Did you tell him already.?" Dino ask him.

Tsuna just went silent. He lowered his head hiding his face behind his bangs. Dino who understand the meaning of silence just sighed heavily. "You know. You have to tell him. Sooner or later he'll find out." " I know,."

The little-no long conversation between Dino and Tsuna was cut by a sudden voice who ask them a question. In Italian of course.

"What the hell are you two talking about.?" Ask reborn with his oh so demanding voice. He was curious of about what they were talking.

Dino and Tsuna look at Reborn and shock their head saying 'nothing'. But Reborn being Reborn didn't believe them so he ask again. "What are you two talking about. I.Want.Answers." Reborn ask them while pointing his gun to Dino. (Why me) Dino ask himself mentally.

"Its because I want to Dame-Dino. Now answer me." Reborn said switching back to Japanese. Dino was shock that reborn knows what his thingking. But then again this was Reborn.

Dino just shock his head and look around when he did, he saw all (I mean all) students were shock. The class (except gang) were shock because the Dame of the class just speak Italian fluently and also have a long conversation with Dino. And the gang were confise as to what the two of them talking about.

"Reborn. I think we need to stop now." Dino said. "No. I want answers now." Replied Reborn with his demanding voice.

Dino went silent and asking Tsuna for helpentaly. Tsuna on the other hand was having a war of debates inside his mind.

Reborn was still waiting for answers. And its not good, cause now his tapping his foot on the floor which means he really want answers. So with a heavy sighed. Tsuna then said something that made Reborn to lower his gun and Dino to sighed in relief.

"I'll tell you later Reborn. And I hope you a good luck." Tsuna said causing Reborn to raise an eyebrow at the way Tsuna said those words. It was like Tsuna was worried, scared and also like he was broken. Reborn also notice some sadness at Tsuna's tone of speaking.

So he nod and signalled Dino to continue the class as for him, he went outside the class.

"Now let's continue." Said Dino breaking the silence and start their Italian class again.

Tsuna on the other hand was worried. Worried of what Reborn will do once he find out, and sad because he thinks that he will leave him once he knew the truth.

(I hope you'll accept it Reborn. I hope you won't leave me. And im sorry i lied to you. I dont want to lose you. I love you so much.) Said Tsuna mentally as a single drop of tear fell from his eyes.


Hi everyone. I'm sorry if I didn't write Italian and translation. Its because I can't. My phone hang again.. Sorry.

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