Chapter 10: Shocking News

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(No one's P.O.V)

Time pass and the bell rang for lunch. Minutes later Reborn, Kyoya, and Reilen heard footsteps running at the hallways. The three knew who were those running and they also knew where they're heading.

The three ignore it and keep discussing about their plan. They were talking to each other when the door being opened revealing a bunch of idiots-i mean herbivores in Kyoya's term.

Tsuna and the rest enter the room and look at the three. He's eyes widen a little when he saw Reborn present inside the room. He then Avet his eyes to Reilen along with the rest who also look-no stare at her.

Tsuna and the rest (except Reborn, and Kyoya) widen their eyes and jaws dropped at the scene in front of them. The triplets was also in the same state as the rest except Reikyou who hide it immediately.

(Tsuna's P.O.V)

Reilen-chan is worst than me. She's the real deal. I only eat sweets with strawberry and others sweets, but her, all kinds of sweets and worst the table is full of sweet desserts and softdrinks.

"Omnivore, herbivores. What.?" I jolt hearing Kyoya's cold voice. I look at him then Reilen-chan and Reborn.

"Nothing. We just want to ask Reilen-chan about something." I said looking at the said person, and the said person just shrug her shoulder off and continue her eating.

Everyone settled down and took some seat. Kyoko, Hana, Chrome, Haru (who came just on time to witness a furious Reilen-chan and trembling Nezu and a calm carnivore exchanging conversation.) and Ryohie sits on the couch. (the couch can fit five people.)
Hayato took a seat at the opposite side where another couch is. Takeshi sat beside him followed by Lamboo, Ipin, and Fuuta. I sit on a single couch that face the office table. Behind me is where Reborn stand. Kyoya was now leaning on the wall behind Reilen-chan. Roya and Kyoulen were sitting on the window sill, while Reikyou was leaning on the wall near the door.

Reilen was now finished from eating and look at us.

"So. What is it that you all want to ask.?" Reilen said while sitting straight with crossed arms.

"Reilen-chan.?" Hayato called more like questioned her.
"We just wanted to know..." followed Takeshi
"You and cloud-San/Hibari-san..." Chrome, Kyoko, Haru, and Hana said in unison.
"Are you two.??" Ryohie-nii ask while pointing to Kyoya and Reilen-chan.
"Rivals.???" I questioned her while looking at them.
"Or.???" Kyoulen and Roya said at the same time.
"Lovers" Reikyo said ending our question.

Mukuro chuckled, Lamboo, Ipin and Fuuta were confused.

"Well, because they are, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn answered instead of the two.

"Eeeeeeiiiiiiihhhhhhhhh....... "

(No one's P.O.V)

"Well,!! actually. Kyo-chan and I were already married." said Reilen while smirking.
"And Rei is one month pregnant." Added kyo a shocking all of them except Reborn.

Tsuna fell off the chair, eyes wide open and jaw dropped. The girls Haru, Hana, Kyoko, Chrome were smiling but with eyes wide open. Hayato and Takeshi were both frozen shock. Lamboo, Ipin and Fuuta were handing some cash to Mukuro and the pine- I mean Mukuro was skilling while hiding the cash inside his jacket's pocket. Roya was shock while looking back n' forth to Kyoya and Reilen. Reikyou dropped his Tonfa and gun on the floor with wide opened eyes and jaw drop not bothering to hide his expression instead look straight at Reilen and Kyoya. And Kyoulen. Well he is shock. No his brain was not working anymore because of too much information.

Kyoulen snap out of his shock and saw the rare sight of their brother took his phone out and took photos of Reikyou. He also saw the others so he took photos of everyone.

Reborn, Reilen and Kyoya look at each other, amused at the reactions of everyone. The three were clearly enjoying the reactions of others.


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