Chapter 12: Revealation

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(Chrome's P.O.V)

I was looking at Reilen-chan and Cloud-san as they were talking to each other and also to the others. And the fact that she told us that she's already married and pregnant makes me jealous to her. She really is brave and full of confidence. Yes, she may look heartless and cold but we all know that she was scincere to everything.

Were all chatting when a fight begins between Mukuro-sama and Cloud-san. I sigh and cast an illusion to supress the noise from outside.

I was deep in thoughts, I didn't realize someone tap my shoulder. I turn towards the person to see Kyoko-chan. I also saw Haru-chan and Hana  with a worried look. I look to them with hidden words and they nod understanding my hidden words. When someone stand behind me, only to see Mukuro-sama taking a break from the fight. He ask me if I was fine and nod. He has a worried look on his face so reassure him that I'm fine and not yo worry. He still won't believe me but later on gave up and went back teasing Cloud-san

"Chrome you're bothered of something. What is it.? You do know that you're not allowed to stress yourself. right.?" He ask me through telepathy. "No Mukuro-sama. I'm OK. And I'm not stressing myself."  "I know you are. And I know the reason. If you want to tell them go ahead. I'm here OK. I'll be always here for you." He said. I look at his direction and I saw him smile. I smile also determine to tell them.

I turn my head towards the three girls. We look at each other and nod agreeing to our unsaid conversation.

"A...a...ano. Minna. I need to tell you something, also the girls." They all look at me. Haru-chan, Hana, Kyoko-chan hold my hands. Determination filed their eyes to tell them the news.

"I'm pregnant/Were pregnant." The four of us said in unison. The all went quite until Reilen-chan shout. "Yehey. I'm not the only one." She said while clapping and jumping only to be stop by Reikyou who made her sit back. All of them congratulate us also asking how long has it been.

"I'm 4 months pregnant." I told them
"3 months preggy here." Haru said grinning.
"5 months." Hana said while Sun-san was grinning. He's really happy that he's going to be a father.
"Same with Chrome-chan." Kyoko-chan said smiling.
  All of us were talking and teasing each other.

"Actually.. There is one left." Reilen-chan said. We all look at each other but we couldn't find anyone whose pregnant. Besides I already took the illusions around mine and the girls body that hides our growing tummy.

"Who.?" Kyoko-chan asked as i saw Cloud-san raise an eyebrow at Reilen-chan. "Rei. No girl here besides Ipin. And she's still 16." " I'm not talking about Ipin." She said with a hidden meaning.

*sob* *sob* *sob*
We all turn our heads to the person whose crying and to our surprise, it was Storm-san whose hiding his face in both hands and crying hard while comforted by Rain-san.

We all look at him wondering why he was crying and as to why he's letting Rain-san to comfort him. Although we all know that Rain-san and Storm-san were in a relationship. They didn't know that we know they were dating. I mean its obvious so... Anyway, Storm-san keeps on crying. We ask him what's wrong but he didn't answer instead his cries got even lauder.

(No one's POV.)

I'm so sorry minna. Jyudaime." Hayato said between sobs. He then face the group. "I'm pregnant." He said and keeps on crying with Takeshi hugging him for comfort.

The whole room went silent. The only sound that can be heard is Hayato's cries. All of them look to each other (except Hayato and Takeshi) then broke the freaking silence into cheer of happiness.

"Yes. I knew it.!!" Kyoko, Hana, Haru, Ipin, Ryohie and Chrome said jumping and high five each other.

(Hayato's POV)

I look to to all of them. They were all happy... For me..?? "Takeshi is the father right.?" Jyudaimd said with a smile. No grinning. They were all grinning. Reilen-chan, Skylark and Reborn-san were smirkng while thee triplets were smillng with a half smirk.

I just nod at them and told them that I'm 2 months pregnant. "But, how.? I mean, you two were both male." Hana ask with curiosity. Oh yeah! How.??

"I..... I don't know." I told them and hde my face at Takeshi's back.

"Well whatever. Who cares about how he got pregnant. More importantly is that you two were going to be parents." Hana said and smile at me.

All of them nod and smile to us. We continue talking until its time to go home.

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