Chapter Nine : The Air Element

Start from the beginning

"What do you think hun?" I ask him through the link.

"I don't want any one to die because of this thing but if we don't do anything then it is possible that the demon will try and posses you again or even one of the other elementals. We can't risk it, we need them to do the border spell." Came his response after a bit of hesitation.

I could feel through our bond that he wasn't sure him self, yet at the same time he knows that something needs to be done to prevent a massacre with in the pack.

"Ok then its settled." I stated out loud, causing everyone to look up at me. "We will help do the border spell and find the demon. If it comes down to killing a pack member we will find another way. No one is going to die on my watch." I state with as much courage as I can muster, trying my damndest not to let my voice waver as I speak.

The rest of the meal was blanketed in silence as everyone was deep in their own thoughts. I refused to let anyone die because of this demon, I just hope we can get to him in time and banish him from our territory. Once I finally finished eating, I took the other dishes and started washing them, Cain came and helped but we were still shrouded in silence. I could feel the tension through our bond and it was radiating off him in waves.

"Cain, it will be ok hun. I promise." I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck and out of instinct Cain lifts me up wrapping my legs around his waist and puts his nose into the nape of my neck, deeply inhaling my scent to try and ease his worry.

"Something is wrong babe, I can feel it. I just.. I just don't know what or who." Cain whispers into my ear. I shudder at the intimacy of the act yet I know Cain is not trying to turn me on.

"We will face what ever is to come. As a pack we are strongest. They are all behind you, supporting you and looking up to you. You have me as well helping you. We will face what ever comes our way. We will ALL succeed or we will all fail, which ever happens we will do it together Cain." I pull his face so he is looking me straight in the eyes as I say this. I can see the determination coming back into his eyes as he leans foreword and kisses me passionately, pulling a moan from me as his tongue explores my mouth. This kiss melts both of our worries and I can feel how turned on Cain is. He grinds himself against my core causing me to moan and a deep vibrating growl comes from Cain.

But before we can get too heated we hear someone from the door way clearing their throats, kind of awkwardly. Cain and I pull apart but he doesn't set me down, his grip tightens on my thighs causing me to yelp out a bit. My face heats up and I bury my head into Cain's neck.

"Before you two decide to deflower my kitchen, we should deal with Kat's element before we do the border spell." Draven's gravelly voice spoke and as quickly as he showed up, he disappeared into the basement area where everything had happened.

Giving Cain one more quick kiss I hop down out of his arms and head the same direction as Draven with Cain hot on my heels. Once down stairs I see Carmella and Draven standing over a mirror with a hammer.

"Ok so my mother said if you have bonded with your element then she will know how to get back to you. Kat have you bonded with her?" He asked as soon as I was down stairs.

"Yes, I was the one to take control and over power her when we first learned I was the air elemental. Camira had taken control and my wolf and I had to fight her for control again. After that we became as close as my wolf and I." I told him of that scary time when I didn't know exactly how powerful I was.

"Good, here is the hammer, just break the mirror and say, 'Camira the spirit of the wind, I call to you to come foreword and reunite us as one.' All you have to do is say that and she will recognize you as her master." With that Draven, Carmella and Cain left me alone.

I take a deep breath and raise the hammer over the mirror, hesitating a bit just so I can remember what I was supposed to say. Once I thought I knew what to say I lowered the hammer and smashed the mirror. As soon as the first crack was instilled on the mirror the wind picked up in the basement and my hair started to fly all over the place. I could feel Camira's powers swirling around the room, surrounding me in a cocoon of air. I just stood there enjoying the feeling of the power surging around me. I almost forgot what I was supposed to do until I heard a woman's voice floating around me.

"I am Camira, the air goddess. Thank you for freeing me." Her powerful voice came from every direction. Remembering what I have to say I start to speak.

"Camira, the spirit of the wind, I call you to come foreword and reunite us as one." I called out as loud as I could. I could feel her powers intensify, as if I angered her.

"Thank you for the offer human, but now that I am released I will never be contained again." Camira started laughing maniacally and I could feel her power surge.
"No, we are meant to be as one. I call upon you Camira, spirit of the wind, to bond with me once again. You are not complete without my bonding." I focused on the feeling that I had when I was in control of Camira. I focused on the bond that we had formed just like my wolf and I. I could also feel my wolf calling upon her bond with Camira.

"I will not become...." And with her sentence cut short I could feel the power flowing through my body once again. I felt whole and content especially when I could feel Camira in my mind, with my wolf where they both belong.

"Forgive me for forcing you Camira, but we belong together and that is what had to happen." I spoke to her.

"I was free for the first time ever. It felt odd yet so refreshing. But you are right, we are fated to be together and I should not fight that bond. No matter what." Camira comforted me with knowing that I was right, she wouldn't fight me now.

Before I could speak any words I felt something push me to the floor and I hit my head on one of the metal tables. I could feel blood escaping from where I hit my head but my body was paralyzed. What the...The world around my vision started to spin and blur together. I used the last of my energy to turn around and I couldn't seem to see anything. Slowly the pounding in my head hurt so bad that I closed my eyes, that was a mistake because it didn't take long for darkness to take over. But before I could fully pass out, I heard a rough voice speak in my mind.

"You and your kind will all perish, and I will make sure of that you disgusting elemental." The voice hissed.

****Sorry for the late update but I have been having troubles writing. I did try and make it longer then usual. Please VOTE for sure and COMMENT if you have anything to tell me!! Pretty please with chocolate, cherries, and whipped cream on top... MMM ice cream.. haha sorry random pregnancy cravings haha!!****

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