Chapter 44: Never again

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Jennie just watched Lisa's car drives away and got smaller from her sight. Though it's blurry, she chooses to stay and watched her leave like that. She knows Lisa's hurting too. She cries hard and ran to her parents' room.

"Mom please!"

Her parents got startled when she suddenly yelled.

"Mom.. please. I'm begging you.." Jennie cries and knelt before them.

"Ghad baby.." Her father looked at her mom and immediately approached Jennie.

"M-Mom.. please. It's really hard.. I d-don't know what you wanted me to learn.. to realize.. b-but Mom! I'd lose Lisa if this continue! P-Please.."

"Stand up.." Her father helps her but Jennie removes his hands.

"M-Mom.. I'm be— Stop. I won't change my mind."

"Honey.. what are you... Jen, hey.. get up."

"Mom, please.. please. This is all I'm asking.." Jennie cries hard. She feels so embarassed already because she has never thought that she'd be doing this in front of her parents just because she loves someone so much.

"Go back to your room." Her mom mutters and laid back again.

Jennie cries hard on her father's arm. Her father helped her to stand up. He supported her until her room.

"I'll talk to your mother, okay.. don't cry. I'll talk to her. She's being too much right now. Hey.. I still like Lisa for you. You know that.." Her father smiled at her while wiping her tears.

"D-Dad please.. I d-don't wanna lose her.."

Her father nodded. He pulled her gently and hugged her tight.

"I'll talk to your mom. You rest now, okay.."

Jennie's still crying but she nodded to her dad. Then her door closed.

She laid on her bed and covered herself with her blanket. She hugged her pillow again and continued crying. Then she heard her phone vibrates.

"Meet me at the park near the bay. Ask for your mother's permission and let your guards drive you here. I'm here."

Jennie stood up and ran to her parents' room again.

"Mom, I'll meet Lisa. Don't worry, I'll be quick. The guards will drive me there."

"Who told you I will allow you?"


"Honey, just let her.. okay.— Shut up!"

Jennie looks at her dad and how he bent his head when her mother yelled. She just shook her head and ran back to her room. She changed her clothes immediately and wears a pair of shoes. Then Lisa's jacket.

She ran outside. She heard her mother yelled but she ignores her. She opened the back seat and immediately went in. Then she told her bodyguards to go already. She just saw her mom ran after her through the gates and watched the car.

"I'm sorry, mom. I need this." Jennie mumbles.


The moment she arrived, she asked her bodyguards to stay in the car. They insisted on coming but Jennie insisted not to and told them her dad knows about it. They just remained silent and Jennie got down.

Her heart pants so fast while walking to the bench they always sit. She already see Lisa and she feels more nervous approaching the girl. She walks closer to her silently and pats her shoulder. Lisa turned to her but then averted it again.

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