Chapter 27: Captain

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"Guys, captain got injured! Hurry!"

Lisa and Jennie followed Yerin back to the gym. They saw their coach and teammates surrounds Dahyun. When they finally there, they can heard Dahyun's whimpers and cries.

"What happened?" Jennie asks.

"She jumped to hit the ball then when she landed her ankle bent and her left knee also. We are hoping that there's no any fractures." Sowon replied to her.

"Yerin, can you help her to stand up?" their coach said. He is not allowed to touch any of them.

"Yes, sir." Yerin said.

Yerin immediately leaned down and supported Dahyun. The girl screams in pain. Sinb helps Yerin and then they managed to carry Dahyun.

"Go to the infirmary. Girls, let's call it a day. Next training, tomorrow at 8AM!" Their coach said and follow the girls to the infirmary.

"Gosh.. we can't lose her. She's one of our attackers." Jisoo mumbles.

"And we need a captain." Sowon added.

Lisa sighed while they fix their bags.

"I hope she'll be fine. She's been our captain ever since after Dara unnie. She's really a reliable one. We can't lose her. Not this time." Lisa said.

"Sigma cup is coming. I hope she recovers soon." Jennie mumbles too.

Lisa approached Jennie and helps her with her bag. Everyone is quiet. Frustrations and anxiousness can be seen through their faces. Lisa looked at her teammates. She heaves a breath.

"Girls!" Lisa got startled when Jennie yelled. Because apparently, Jennie noticed it too.

Their teammates stopped and turned to Jennie.

"Can we gather for a while before we go? Just.. I want to say something." Jennie motioned her hands to her teammates.

"Okay, girls. I know we're all concern here. But that shouldn't pull our spirits down. Captain will recover soon and she will be able to play with us. There's no room for negativity here. I'm sure captain won't be so happy seeing us looking down and distracted. All we need to do is to train hard and get back the Sigma cup trophy! TEAM!" Jennie screams and straighten her arms in the middle.

"SNU!" The girls yelled too and holds Jennie's hand in the middle and raised them.

"That's all, girls. Let's go.." Jennie said and clings her arm to Lisa's.

Lisa looks at her and giggles. She pats her head and messes her hair again like she always do. Then will laugh when Jennie pouts while fixing her hair.

"Hey.. by the way, about the baking. I think, we can do it. It's just.. almost 4PM." Lisa mumbles.

"Hmm.. about that. Mom is waiting for us the whole day. I told her we have training but she said she'll still wait. So.. yeah. We can do it." Jennie said and smiled at Lisa.

"Let's just go straight home. You have extra clothes with you, right? Take a bath there." Jennie added.

"Yeah.. okay. Uhh.. but I didn't bring my car with me." Lisa scrunches her face while scratching her neck.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Jennie said and took out her wallet.


Lisa gasped while looking at her license card. She gets it from Jennie's hand and looked at her.

"H-How did you...?"

"My father gave that to me this morning. He said you got ticketed for over-speeding, Lisa. What were you thinking.." Jennie knitted her brows to her.

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