Chapter 41: One true love

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Lisa is quietly leaning her head over her arms on the table. Wendy keeps on punching her shoulders playfully. Lisa just keep on groaning. Because after few sneaky drinks she did again, she reached her limit. She threw up again and now, she's drunk.

The girls can feel numbness also. They've been partying for hours. Chaeyoung even mixed another batch in the jug and still drinks.

"Girls, do you want to stay here? You brought clothes, right? I'll ask the maid to clean the guest room. And we have extra beds too. If you worry about it." Jennie said.

"Are we really at Kim's residence or a hotel? Daammn!"

Jennie just chuckled while caressing Lisa's back.

"Drunk again. Aigoo.. I wonder what Eomoni will tell this girl if they knew she drinks again." Wendy mutters.


"She pmed me and told me, her mother scolded her this morning and before she went back here."

"Really? I didn't know that. I waited inside her car when she changed this morning." Jennie said and looks at Lisa anxiously.

"What if they think that I'm a bad influence to Lisa.." Jennie mumbles.

"What? You're silly. They won't think like that, Jen. They're so cool like yours. Trust me."

"But she started drinking when she met me."

"Of course not. I forced her last night. Don't worry about it." Yerin said.

"We'll just talk to her parents."

"No, unnie. What if they scolded you too?"

"Lisa really never drinks. Even before. I mean.. ever since. She's really a good daughter to them. I mean.. she's their only daughter and Lisa really looks up to them. She always think about her parents too. But if she decided to drink now, well, she's on the right age. And she only drinks when we're here. I mean.. it's safer here than to other clubs or something." Chaeyoung said.

"That didn't help me at all. Now, I'm worried. What if her parents don't like me for— Okay. That's the most unreasonable thing I've heard from you." Jisoo mutters.

"It's fine. Her parents know us and they know how hard we drink. We sometimes drink at their house and they're so cool about it every time. We can explain it to them. And she's just been drunk twice. It's gonna be fine."

"Girls, still okay?"

They turned to Jennie's mom. She saw Lisa and points to her.

"Is she still okay?"

"Yes, eomoni. Just drunk but she's gonna be fine. We'll take care of her."

"Mom, can you pass me the towel? Please.."

Mrs. Kim grabbed the towel and gave it to Jennie.

"Thank you."

She then put it over Lisa and caressed her back again.

"Hey.. if anything.. foods, there still more inside. Just get it, okay. Feel free. Are you guys staying the night?"

The girls looked at each other then to Jennie, who's busy with Lisa.

"Uhh.. yes, eomoni. I guess, we'll stay tonight. We don't have classes tomorrow." Wendy said and smiled to the woman.

"Jen, I'll ask the maid to clean the guest room. Girls, eat more, okay.."

"Ne, eomoni."

"Thanks, eomoni."

Then the woman left them again. They look at Lisa when the girl suddenly sit up straight. She suddenly grabbed the bottle.

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