Chapter 21: Special indeed

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I'm so happy. I don't know how much but I really am. When she actually said that I am her girlfriend. I was surprised when she suddenly said it and my chest throbbed. Well, it still is.

The kind of beating that only happens when I'm with her. I can't breathe properly. But it's only because I love her so much.

But.. I'm still concern about her condition. Her emotional state and mind after what happened to her. I'm still thankful she kisses me, she still holds my hands. I know what happened traumatized her and I really hope that nothing would happen to her again. Well, not on my watch.

I will protect her no matter what. And I know, she does the same to me.

"Dad please.."

Oh. And she's currently arguing with her dad about our relationship. Now I can say it. Loud and proud.

Jennie Kim is officially my girlfriend.

And apparently her dad is still teasing her by being silent. My Nini is in the verge of crying already. I hold her hand and she turned to me. I just shook my head while smiling at her.

"No.. Dad, please. Give her a c-chance. I thought you wanted is for me to be happy and I'm happy with her. Dad please.."

I really wanna laugh at her right now. She looks so adorable. I keep on biting my lips to suppress my laughter. I sat beside her again while caressing her hand.

"Your food is getting cold. Eat it.. you have to recover your energy." I told her softly.


"Aigooo.. why are you yelling.." her dad says.

We all got startled when she yelled.

"Please.. she already proved herself, doesn't she? Dad.. I'm not gonna stop fighting for this." she mutters.

I really wanna hug her right now if only her parents aren't here. That again. The way she talks casually but making me melt with her words.

"What fight are you talking about.. aigoo.." her dad said and eats again.

"Give Lisa some foods and don't just eat by yourself.." he said again. That made me chuckled. Jennie knitted her brows and glared at me.

"Lisa's food is here.. help yourself, darling. Please.. be comfortable around us, okay.." Her mother said.

They are so amazing. I just nodded and smiles at Jennie. But then her mother still gave me the foods. I accepted it, of course.

"Dad please.."

"I am okay with everything. Stop whining there, missie." Her dad chuckled and I did too. Mrs. Kim hits his arm playfully while giggling too.

"I was just teasing you.. come on. How can I not accept this? She protects you and makes you happy all the time. I know that already." he said.

Jennie glared at him and I know why. Because she made her say those things and she turned to me.

"You're with him with this teasing, aren't you?"

I gasped a little then turned to my food while averting my body from her. I got startled when she hits my arm. I just chuckled at her.



Another day has passed and Jennie got discharged from the hospital. She fixed her things because she'll be attending school on Tuesday.

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