Chapter 32: Sigma Cup

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The team is having their 5 minutes warm-up to prepare for their first game. They are currently in HU. Lisa can't help but to stare at Jennie because of the news they've got few days ago. She noticed Jennie's eyes and it always screams with emotions. This time, she looks worried. But she remained calm because of the game.

"Okay. 5 minutes on the court. Hit the balls, girls!" Their coach ordered. The girls followed. Their manager pushed the case to the side and throws some balls to the girls. Then they started hitting them to the other side of the court.

"Jennie-ssi.. Yerin-ssi, toss them some balls." Dahyun said. Jennie nodded and walked to the middle and so is Yerin.

Jennie tosses some for their players. The defense positions are on the other side to receive every spike they hit.

The girls already knew what happened. They are worried too. But they should be focused on the game than what they knew.

Jennie and Yerin are behind each other. Yerin keeps on giggling while tossing to some of their players.

"You know what Jennie-ssi.. I really like giving Lisa the ball for a spike. She has an amazing angle." Yerin mumbles.

"Really?" Jennie chuckled teasingly.

"Yeah.. I always finds it the perfect angle for a spike. Like.. her whole body bends backwards and gathers all the strength from her body to hit the ball. Dahyun does that too. But she's a limp there right now." Yerin laughed and so is Jennie.

"It always feels fascinating to be a setter actually. That every toss you do, there's always someone willing to hit it." Jennie said.

"No better feeling, right?" Yerin mumbles.

"Yeah.. no better feeling. One time in highschool, there's this time that my spikers gave up on me because I was so hard to them. My heart sank when I tossed and there's no one there to hit the ball. I looked at my team and they were all glaring at me, murmuring like they're so tired of me already."

"Ohh.. that really sucked."

"It was. And I've learned it the hard way. Promise to myself that it won't happen again. So, I joined the varsity and my team relied on me. That was the best part."

"Really? Well.. that wasn't the best part yet, Jennie-ssi. Because you're with us now. And I assure you, you'll get the best feeling inside the court." Yerin said and they heard the whistle.

They immediately approached their coach. Jennie looks at the team and they are all look focused and in condition. She chooses her first six.

Her, Lisa, Chaeyoung, Sowon, Sinb and Tzuyu.

Dahyun smirked because it was her first six too but Yerin instead of Tzuyu.

They are busy listening attentively to their coach. Lisa approached Jennie and put her hand on her head but still focused on what their coach is saying. Jennie just looks at her girlfriend. After that, Lisa messes Jennie's hair and the girl groaned at her. Yerin hit Jennie on the back again, just to calm her down. Lisa hissed at her and hit Yerin's shoulder. The girl just chuckled. Jennie rubbed her back while laughing.



Then they stand in position.

Jennie and the other team's representative are called for the toss coin. Jennie smiled to the girl and wishes them luck. The girl did so too. Then Jennie's team has the first ball. She served the first ball gracefully. The ball hits the top of the net but went in.

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