Chapter 13: First on the bucket list

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Jennie is just waiting for the seminar to end and she will do what she wanted to do. She really did list the things she wants to do ever since and like she said, she listed breaking up with Kai as the first one on the list.

She's nervous but she stays calm. She's going to do it once and for all. She knows she has to end it completely. Their relationship is getting toxic and all she wanted to do now is to get out of it.

They are sitting to each other and she's thankful that the guy is busy with his phone, grinning again. It's totally fine with her because she doesn't care anymore.

10 minutes to lunch, Jennie glances at Kai.

"I'm going to have lunch with the girls later in the cafeteria. And I bet you don't want to be around them.. so.." she says.

"Tss. You really love being with them these days."

"Because they are my friends."

"Friends.. tss. Since when you consider somebody as a friend.." Kai chuckled rudely.

Then the practitioner dismissed them for lunch. Jennie stood up and fixed her things, turned to Kai after.

"Ever since they make me feel wanted and loved. So.. yeah. You wouldn't understand that because.. you don't have anyone, Kai."

"What did you say?" Kai gripped her wrist tight while furrowing his eyebrows.

Jennie felt nothing but annoyance. She gritted her teeth and tossed Kai's hand. She picked up her bag and jogged out of the room. Their classmates are just looking at them and watched Jennie walked out. They are worried for her too because they often witness how Kai treats Jennie like there's no other people around them.

Jennie went straight to the restroom first. She can see her eyes almost teared up again. She shook her head and washed her face. She leaned on the sink and looked at herself.

"You're gonna do it. You don't deserve someone like him in your life. Be brave." Jennie mumbles to herself.

She then wipes her face with tissues and put some powder and liptint. She went out and met the girls. Lisa glanced at Jennie and smiled then walks beside her.

"Hey.." Lisa smiled. Jennie smiled back.


"So.. uhh.. do you have the list?" Lisa utters.

"Yeah.. I listed them the moment I reached my room." Jennie chuckled.

"Let's see."

Jennie looked at her then to the girls, walking in front of them, having their own chats.

"Do we.. uhh.. have to do this here?" She asked. Lisa looked at the girls.

"Ah.. okay. Maybe later. Near the bay." Lisa smiled. Jennie points at her and nodded. Then both of them chuckled.


Both of them turned to Jisoo and chuckled again. They settled in one table. Lisa remembered what Jennie said about the first one on the list.

"Hey.. uhh.. did you do it?"


"The first one on the list. Did you do it?" Lisa asked hesitantly.

"I'll do it later. I don't really feel like talking to him right now." Jennie replied. Lisa just nodded and they went on buying their foods.


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