I know now. The source of Harry's "unhappiness". It is his dad. That's why Harry rarely ever comes home.

He's worried about his dad's well-being and maybe disappointed with his life choices.  From the lifestyle of a popstar to the realities of life at home, there's a lot weighing on his shoulders. He has a right to feel that way. I just wish he wouldn't carry the weight of the world on it.

"I want you to recognize that whatever is a burden for Harry, is a burden for you too," Barbara says, her brown eyes raising to meet mine.

"I know," I say thoughtfully, trying to assure her. "Thank you for worrying about us, but I am confident that I will be able to take care of him. As long as he wants me by his side, I'm never going to leave." She gives my hand another gentle squeeze before she looks behind me, a small smile pulling at her lips as they settle upon an object.

"You ready to hang up those planes?" She asks. I turn around and frown at the two mini airplanes I folded so horribly on the counter. It's been years since I've folded one, but it doesn't matter to me what it looks like on the outside. The inside is the part that counts.

Once I finish hanging the second one, Barbara nods approvingly. They look very different from the others, but at least they're distinguishable from the rest. The next time we come here, I'll most definitely be able to recognize mine immediately. As I step down from the step stool, a deep voice greets us.

"You could have let me refolded them for you," he teases. His eyes are already fixed on me as I meet them. His smile widens, and I roll my eyes. I'm so glad he's no longer in the stoic state he was in when he left earlier.

He walks a few paces forward, and I notice that he's carrying a black bag in his hand. I hold my breath as one of his arms circle behind my neck, pulling me into his arms

"I never thought it'd be so good to see you," he breathes into my hair.

"You saw me literally two minutes ago," I giggle.

"Did you miss me?"

"Did you?"

"You can never answer a question properly, can you?" He brings his head back just enough to look at my face. When our eyes meet, I playfully shake my head and he chuckles. It's such a lovely sound - Harry's laugh. The mere sound igniting a warmth in my stomach.

I want to ask who was on the phone but I decide not to, afraid that it might be too soon. I don't want to ruin the high spirit he's in just yet.

"Did you eat already?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Barbara prepared a little snack."

After we enjoy our brunch, we say our goodbyes to Barbara outside where Harry parked his motorcycle. The sun is still high in the sky and the temperature has definitely risen. I try not to watch or eavesdrop on Harry and Barbara's conversation as I put my helmet back on. From the corner of my eye, I see them hug as Barbara whispers something into Harry's ear. I see him nod slightly once as he watches her return inside. She waves goodbye to me once again and I do the same.

Harry runs a hand swiftly through his hair after he jogs back to me. I don't know if I should be appalled at myself for finding it a turn-on just seeing him jog.

"May you do me the honor of holding this for me, Bubble Wrap?" He hands me the mysterious black bag like a gentleman and I take it, shaking my head at how quickly he can be undeniably irresistible one minute then adorable the next. I'm quite surprised at how heavy the bag actually is when he lets go. "No peeking, Bubble Wrap," he warns me with an indulging grin, and I find myself rolling my eyes at him again.

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