Groupchat #7

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Chiemi: None of them came to school today :/

Asano: Okuda texted Rio and Kayano that she was feeling sick, and I assume Karma stayed back with her. Idk. We know he got home safe though.

Chiemi: Yeah she texted me too. But it's still worrisome that none of them came to school today.

Nagisa: I took notes for Manami for Intro to Theatre. But idk if someone took notes for her in Advanced Chem :/

Kaede: She has Akemi in that class! Remember?

Nagisa: Right..

Rio: I took notes for Karma for Art History so there's that. And Asano took notes for him for Language class. So Karma has all his bases covered. I hope Akemi actually pulls through with Manami's chem notes.

Asano: Just cause Okuda said Akemi was sweet, it doesn't mean they are friends. So maybe she didn't.

Nagisa: ^^ exactly.

Kaede: Well lets have hope that she did. 😔

Chiemi: I still don't like her. 😒

Rio: ^^ mah girl gets it and she hasn't even met her. 👏👏

Kaede: Well yeah because when we talked about her today you were just like "some girl who likes Karma."🙄

Rio: It's enough for her to be a bitch in my eyes. 🥰

Kaede: She hasn't done anything though??? She has a crush on Karma but she hasn't even acted upon her feelings! So don't be so mean to her. Have you forgotten that a lot of girls have a crush on him? Not just Akemi?🙃🙃

Rio: I guess... ugh idk though. Something about her doesn't sit well with me.

Chiemi: I trust Rio's judgement. 🙆‍♀️

Kaede: 😒 fine whatever you two.

Nagisa: Let's just stop talking about Akemi. She's always a really heavy topic in this group apparently.

Asano: ^^ I agree.

@manami. is online

Manami: Hey guys.


Manami: lol I'm fine. Just felt a little sick that's all.

Nagisa: How are you and Karma though? I haven't heard from him all day...😔

Manami: He's okay too. Just a little tired. And we're fine now 😊

Kaede: Okay good!! 😭

Asano: Will you be able to come to school tomorrow though? Since you're sick and all?

@karma. is online

Karma: lol Manami you told them you were sick?🥴

Manami: Basically I was so let's keep it that way. 🙂

Rio: Whats going on??? Y'all hiding something I can tell! 😈😈

Nagisa: We're your friends how dare y'all hide stuff from us 😔✊

Kaede: Especially if it has to do with one of you guy's well being. 😡

Karma: Cmon Manami lets just tell them lol 😂

Manami: Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for bed rn? 😊

Karma: aren't you supposed to be in my room rn? Why are you still downstairs?

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