Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

After stopping to eat at a local restaurant, Karma and Okuda headed back home.

Karma was still undoubtedly happy about Okuda accepting to be his girlfriend, and Okuda was glad she was able to make the person she admires and loves, smile so brightly.

"I showered in the morning so don't rush with your bath! Take your time!" Karma said as he prepared the bed for the night.

Manami's cheeks reddened.

It felt more intimate to share a bed now that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Also, Karma was shirtless, so she couldn't help but blush at the sight.

Has he always been this hot, or am I just now noticing?

"Alright!" Manami finally replied, still a little flustered. "Can I borrow this shirt?"

She pulled out a black long sleeve shirt out of his drawer. It felt soft and looked kind of baggy. In other words, comfortable.

Karma smirked. He can finally say that his girlfriend loves to wear his shirts.

"Of course!"


Once Manami was done with her bath and was putting on her undergarments, she began to feel a little nervous.

Considering she is a shy and insecure girl, she was about to make a rather brave decision.

The day of the sleepover, before her argument with Karma, Nakamura mentioned something about boys liking it when girls wear only their shirts.

As in, no shorts underneath or anything. Just the guy's shirt and panties.

Of course, this grabbed the poison loving girl's attention, and decided to try it out once she and Karma were romantically involved.

Now that they are, it was a good a time as ever to try it out.

All Okuda wants is to bring happiness and pleasure to the person that has been there for her through thick and thin. Also, although she hates to admit it, Okuda actually enjoys it a bit when Karma teases her.

C'mon Manami! You can do this!

She put on Karma's shirt and took a deep breath.

What if he thinks this is too skimpy?

What if he hates skimpy?

Oh c'mon. No boy actually hates skimpy.

But then again, Karma is weird so...

Ahh! C'mon stop over thinking Manami!!

She slapped both her cheeks with both her hands to snap out of her insecurity bubble.

Just go out there like it's completely normal! The "worse" he can do is tease you.

Once again, she took a deep breath and placed her hand on the door nob.

Ah! Please don't actually hate this Karma!!

She twisted the door nob and briskly opened the door.

It was dark...

Karma was already sleeping.


Manami's head hanged low as she turned off the light in the bathroom and pouted, three blue lines appearing on her complexion.

All of that over analyzing made my mouth dry. I might as well just go drink water.

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