Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

"Where the hell were you?!" Nakamura yelled. "Did you know how worried we were for you?! I haven't been able to sleep right for the past three days because I had no idea where you ran off to!"

Manami looked down as she let her tears fall to the floor.

How did I not think of them? How did I not think of my friends?... I'm truly terrible.

"We need to tell Kanzaki before she gets on the train..." Kaede added quietly.

They even contacted Yukiko?.. I worried her too?.. I made her waste her time worrying about me...

"Right." Nakamura said a little more calm. "Text Nagisa and Asano. Tell them that she's back and to come back to Karma's house."

Manami flinched at hearing Karma's name, but decided to brush it off. Apologizing to her friends was more important right now.

"Wow... You guys had them look for me too?.."

Rio turned to face Manami and nodded. "Yes, we've been searching for you since day one... We were all worried."

Okuda was about to reply but was interrupted by the door slamming open.

"Oh thank goodness!" Nagisa exclaimed while panting as he and Asano entered the house. "You're really back."

"That was quick." Kaede said, three blue lines appearing on the corner of her forehead.

"Well of course," Nagisa continued, "I just had to make sure she was actually back home. Okuda, where were you? You had us all worried sick."

Asano nodded, still panting. "Not to mention, these four dragged me all over town just to look for you. It was tiring..."


Manami looked around.

Not counting Asano, it's only Nakamura, Kayano, and Nagisa. Doesn't he mean three?

Or maybe... Could it be?

"What do you mean, four?" She decided to ask. "D-Did Karma help out too?"

"PFTT!!" Rio scoffed. "Did HE help?! Please..."


"He was the one that got little to no sleep these past three days." She continued. "Karma searched for you day and night. It was only a matter of time before he got sick..."

Manami's eyes widened in surprise and worriment. "What?! He's sick?! Where is he?!"

She couldn't believe that Karma actually went out looking for her, despite being mad. She thought that he was probably just going to stay home and wait or not look for her at all.

I thought he was going to be relieved that such a heavy burden was finally being lifted off his shoulders... That's why I wanted to apologize. I thought I was going to have to beg for his forgiveness, and for him to take me back...

But I don't think I'll be doing any of that.

Nagisa smiled faintly and glanced at the stairs. "He's up in his room sleeping. He needs the rest."

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