Chapter 14: Ureshii

Start from the beginning

A maiko geisha is a geisha apprentice.

The studio was opened but looked deserted when Yue arrived

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The studio was opened but looked deserted when Yue arrived. She had a discussion with Dudu this morning and decided to arrive early.

She sat at the lounge, flipping a magazine when a loud crash from inside the recording studio startled her. She peeped through the window of the door. It was Dudu and his assistant. She believed she called him Xiong.

"I DON'T CARE!! HE IS FIRED!! How dare he disobey my rules!" she screamed.

"Dudu, please. He is my cousin. He needs the job. Can you just let go this time?" Yue had never heard him spoken much when she was around with Dudu. He was so quiet that sometimes she would forget he was in their midst. Only now, Yue noticed that Xiong was actually quite expressive.

"Texting and driving is illegal! It's dangerous. He will get us killed. Or kill someone!"

"He was at the traffic light, Dudu." He sounded exasperated.

"I said it once! You know me well through all these years, Xiong. The last thing I expect from you is this." She turned her head. "Do you want to be fired too?"

Yue saw how Xiong dropped his head. She had never seen Dudu that angry and flustered before. She always looked calm and collected.

"I wouldn't leave you no matter what. After all that we've been through. You know that. I will tell my cousin." He turned to her again and said "But you need to promise me to get help. You haven't been sleeping lately," putting his hand on hers.

"I'm fine." She snapped, flinching from him.

Yue decided to stop listening. She moved back to her chair quietly, feeling slightly uneasy. She did not expect them to have a close relationship. They looked like boss and employee in front of everyone else.

"Yue! You're here early."  Dudu gushed giving her a hug. "Come, let's go in. We need to discuss the songs and recording schedule for your new album. Are you excited?" There was hardly a trace of anger on her face. How did she do it?

She gave a big smile "Yes!" At the corner of her eye, she saw an unhappy Xiong slipping out to the exit.

She could not help feeling curious. Were they lovers? Ex-lovers? Her detective instincts lighted up and she started formulating theories in her mind when Dudu drew her back to reality.

"By the way, did you know that Deng Zi Qi had given permission for you to sing covers for two of her songs? Ms. Similar and Heartbeat."

Yue's eyes brightened up immediately. "She did? That is so amazing! Thank you Dudu-jie!"

"You deserve it." Dudu beamed, then added. "I hope you got a ticket to her One-night-only concert in Suzhou. The organizer managed to squeeze her in at the Wave. A detour before Shanghai concert."

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