"I suppose you'll make an adequate parent, Todd." Damian sneers as he steps away.

"Thank you?" Jason says, turning to me as I burst into a fit of giggles.

Finally, Bruce and Aunt Selina make their way to us, both with huge smiles on their faces. Aunt Selina instantly takes me into her arms, peppering multiple kisses to my face in excitement.

"Oh, kitten, I'm so happy for you. This is amazing. You'll be a wonderful mother." She says lovingly.

"Do you think Mom will be happy?" I ask, finally exposing one of my deepest concerns.

My mother and I have been working to have a somewhat normal relationship over these past two years. With Aunt Kathleen gone, Mom realizes that I need her more than ever. She was more than thrilled to try and step into her role as best as she could. She has also been working to calm her insanity, maybe even enough to be released from Arkham. I, along with Aunt Selina and Aunt Ivy, have been helping as best we can.

"Of course. She'll be happy, and your Aunt Ivy will be happy, and...your Aunt Kathleen would be so happy. She'd be so proud of you." Aunt Sel smiles.

I smile at the mentioning of Aunt Kathleen, however part of me darkens as well. I miss her more than ever at times like these. Times where I accomplish something so great, something she deserved to see. I know she'd be proud of me in this moment. She'd be beside me through all of this. I imagine she'd already have everything from the nursery to my baby shower planned.

"I wish she was here." I say quietly, trying desperately to keep the smile on my face.

"She is. She's always here." Aunt Sel places one last soft kiss on my forehead.

She pulls away from me, moving to embrace Jason as Bruce emerges in front of me. He pulls me to him, hugging me sincerely yet hesitantly.

"Congratulations." He says once we pull away. "You both will be amazing parents."

"Thank you, and you'll make an even better grandpa." I nudge him.

Bruce chuckles, and I can't help but isolate the nervousness in that chuckle. "You're making me sound old." He shakes his head in amusement.

"You're not." I say, then turn to face Jason, who still stands deep in Aunt Sel's embrace. "I'm scared." I blurt, turning back to Bruce.

"Understandable. He's very avid about this team. I have no doubt they'll be successful, but Jason can be blind at moments. Some days he fails to see the bigger picture. It's a mistake I'm guilty of as well." Bruce notes.

I sigh. "Help me keep him aware of what's going on?"

"I promise you that as long as I can help it, he will never lose sight of the bigger picture." Bruce smiles at me, and a wave of relief floods me. Something about Bruce making that promise, fills me with security. I know now that Jason will always be here.

"Stephanie, aren't you excited?" Barbara asks, noticing how Stephanie is the only family member who has not rushed to Jason and me.

"I thought you'd be the most excited out of everyone." Jason smirks.

"Oh, I was. I cried." Stephanie answers calmly.

"You've known?" Bruce ask.

Stephanie nods. "I was there when she took the test, and I'm the one who convinced her to go to Dr.Leslie and get an ultrasound."

Jason turns to me with mock hurt plastered on his face. "She knew before I did? She heard the heartbeat?"

"You were busy, and I was panicking." I shrug.

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