Castaway - 58

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"I wish things could just stay this way. A peaceful place, just us." Eren took Levi's hand and squeezed it, leaning into him. "When it's just us like this I have no care in the world."

"I know." Levi glanced at Eren and studied his face. His view of Eren was prettier than any sunrise or sunset.

Eren leaned closer and placed a kiss to Levi's lips, smiling. "We should go back inside. Do you think we could get some more sleep?"

"Sure." Levi guided Eren inside and back to the bedroom.

"I know you'll probably stay awake." Eren said, climbing back into bed.

Levi did the same, watching as Eren inched closer to him and leaned against him. "Yeah, I don't need a lot of sleep to function." He shrugged.

"Won't you get bored?" Eren asked.

"No, I have my phone and the tv." Levi motioned towards the tv. "Don't worry. Just sleep."

Eren nodded and closed his eyes, easily drifting off.

Levi scrolled through his phone, unsure of what to do. He wasn't bored, but wanted something to entertain him. It was early in the morning though, how much entertainment would he even get? Most normal people were still asleep at that time on a Saturday. He glanced at Eren, who was already fast asleep.

Levi thought about making breakfast, but there wasn't much in the fridge. He could also order breakfast the be delivered. There were a lot of options. He wanted to make Eren enjoy every second they were there.

He scrolled through what to do in the area and saw that there was some sort of festival. It was almost winter at that point. A winter festival? He knew Eren would love it and planned on taking him there.


Eren woke up hours later and whined softly when he felt an empty spot next to him. It was cold which meant Levi probably got up a while before. He sat up and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He then went into the kitchen and was met with a table full of food.

Levi sat at the counter, drinking tea. "Hey. I wasn't sure what you'd want so I ordered a few things. I didn't want to wake you up, but wanted to have it ready when you got up."

Eren smiled and rolled his eyes. "For someone that's not used to this stuff, you're doing great." He teased. "This is a lot of food. I could eat it all, but I really shouldn't."

"If you think you can eat it all, go for it. It's not like I'm going to judge you." Levi sipped at his tea and shrugged.

Eren sat at the counter next to Levi and picked up a fork from the counter. He assumed Levi had placed it there for him, along with a plate. He began serving himself eggs and bacon. "So, it's Saturday. What should we do?" He started eating and turned to Levi.

"While you were asleep I was looking at some things to do. Since it's going to be winter soon there's a winter festival going on. We can go if you want." Levi usually wouldn't go out to things like festivals. That wasn't his ideal thing to do, but he'd do it for Eren. Plus, he had to experience some different things once in a while.

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Eren smiled and continued eating. He served himself more and added a pancake onto his plate. "I would love to go. You're okay with that though? I feel it's really public."

"I think we'll be fine. I don't mind that it's public." Levi disliked going to crowded spaces as well, but it was also something he'd do for Eren. People just bothered him.

"Okay, I'm excited. I hope they have good food." Eren smiled.

"You're eating breakfast and you're thinking about more food tonight?" Levi asked, mainly making fun of Eren.

"Hey, food is good." Eren shrugged and watched as Levi got up from the counter to pour himself more tea. "Did you eat?"

"I'm not a big breakfast person." Levi murmured, sitting back at the counter.

"I know you're not. I always get surprised all over. You're not hungry?" Eren asked.

"No, I'll eat something later." Levi said back, looking at Eren.

Eren was almost done eating. "If you say so." To Eren, it was like Levi wasn't human sometimes. He barely slept and he rarely saw him eat. Levi ate everything when they went to the restaurant the night before, which was still shocking to Eren.

Eren was the opposite and was always eating. He kept moving around and was always doing something. Plus, he was still growing. He stood up and picked up his plate. He took it to the sink and set it down. He walked over to Levi and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks for the food." He said happily. "You know how to make someone feel special."

"How?" Levi asked.

"You planned this whole trip for us, made the reservations for the restaurant, got me breakfast while I was sleeping, and you suggested we go to a winter festival together." Eren listed everything and laughed softly.

"Oh." Levi set his cup down.

"We got to watch the sun rise together, we went in a nice hot tub and so much more. Everyone thinks you're so cold, but I see such a different side of you." Eren took Levi's hand and squeezed it softly.

"What do people say?" Levi asked, genuinely curious.

"People, well the people that know about us, ask how we're able to have a relationship when you seem cold and not connected." Eren ran a hand through his hair. "It's just that people don't really see this side of you. Yeah you're short with your words and all, but I know other things are going on in your head."

"Yeah, I guess so." Levi leaned forwards and rested a hand on Eren's cheek. "At least you don't think I'm void of all emotion on the outside and inside."

"I know there's some emotion in there." Eren leaned in and closed the space between them. He kissed him softly, smiling. He pulled back a moment later and rested his forehead on Levi's forehead. "If someone told me a few months ago that this is where I'd be now, I think I would've cried."

A/N: Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well. I know the whole corona virus thing is all up in our faces so I just thought I'd say, make sure you're washing your hands and sanitizing! It may not be that deadly for us younger people, but don't be the one spreading it to elderly / anyone with a compromised immune system / health issues. New York is going hard. I had to move out of my dorm and now I have complete online classes!

- K

Castaway - (ereri/riren)Where stories live. Discover now