Damon's hands touch my arm and move up towards my shoulder. "Are you ready for today?" He asks me. I try to keep my breathe slow and nod. For days I need to use my imagination to keep me satisfied, but my body is literally craving for Damon. I want nothing more than for Damon to help me get my mind off of all these tests and to make me go crazy. But I can't. We can't do that stuff here.

"I will wait here for you, okay?" Damon asks. I smile even though he can't see me. "Thank you," I tell him. I know Damon wants to stay with me 24/7. Not just for me to not be alone, but also because he doesn't want to leave me. I think it's really cute.

The door opens and doctor Williams walks in. "Good morning, Abby," he says with a smile, "are you ready?" I nod and stand up from my bed. Doctor Williams leaves my room and closes the door behind him. He already knows Damon and I want to have a second of privacy.

"You got this," Damon says. I smile and kiss his lips. It would all be a lot easier if Damon could come with me, but I know he can't. I have to do this on my own. "I love you," I tell Damon. Damon smiles, "I love you too and I keep my promise." I smile and feel my cheeks heat up. These simple words send fire through my entire body. I would never imagine Damon would say these sweet things to me.

"I keep my promise as well," I tell him. Damon kisses me one last time and then lets go of me. I smile at him and walk out of my room to meet doctor Williams. He smiles kindly at me. "Did you sleep okay?" He asks me. I follow him through the halls. "I did," I tell him, "I woke up early, but I slept fine." He looks at me and smiles. "Good to hear," he says.

He opens a door and walks into a small room with just a bed. It is a different bed than usual. "You can just lay down here," doctor Williams says. I nod and take a seat on it. Doctor Williams closes the door and locks it. He walks over to a small table against the wall while I lay down on the bed. I quickly look around in the room. Nothing but the bed and the table are in here.

Doctor Williams walks over to me. He dos something on the side of the bed. All of a sudden, I see some kind of belt. He wraps it around my arm and attaches it to the bed. "Where is that for?" I ask him, slowly getting scared. The last time this happened, was when Damon and I were locked up...

"Don't worry, Abby. It's just for your safety. In a moment, some doctors will do some tests on you, but you are not allowed to move," doctor Williams explains. I nod and take deep breaths.

Doctor Williams walks over to my other side and attaches my other arm to the bed as well. The belts are so tight, I can't move my arms at all. Doctor Williams also attaches my legs and then walks back to the table.

"I will give you something to make you sleep and then everything will happen by itself, okay?" He asks. He walks back to me holding a needle. "What are the tests for, today?" I ask. Doctor Williams puts the needle in my arm. "You will see when you wake up," he says. "I will see when I wake up? How so?" I ask him. Doctor Williams just smiles and injects me with the liquid from the needle.

"It will all be over soon," he says. Before I can ask what he means with that, my eyes close and I fall asleep.


I sit on Abby's bed. I stare at my phone the entire time. Stefan and Elena went to see Liz for more information about Abby, but they haven't contacted me yet. The only message I got was a text from Elena.

Elena: Did Abby went for her tests already?

I texted her back saying she did, but she didn't respond to me yet. Why isn't she saying anything?

I see a phone light up. I look over and see it's Abby's. I grab it and unlock it. Of course I know her combination. I sigh when I see it's just Luke texting her. My curiosity takes over and I open it.

Luke: Thank you for texting me back! You will get better. You are the strongest person I know. I believe in you <3

I roll my eyes. Can he be anymore obvious? He is a little too much into my girl, if you'd ask me...

The door opens. I look up and see a worried Elena and Stefan barge in. I jump up from the bed. "Where is Abby?" Elena asks. I get scared. "She went with that doctor, why?" I ask. Elena swears and I see them looking around worried, terrified even.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I ask. Elena looks like she just found out the most bad thing in the world. "We got the results of Abby's test, every single one she ever did in her life," Elena says. "And?" I ask, "is she getting better?"

Elena shakes her head, "she was never sick." I get confused. "What do you mean? Of course she got sick. That's why she's here," I say. Elena shakes her head again, "All the results were fine. Abby is perfectly fine. No cancer, no hole in her heart, nothing."

I get even more confused, "then why did she had to stay here?" "We don't know," Stefan says. "Hold up, Abby is not the same girl she was when she got in here. She looks really sick," I tell them. "That is effected by some medicine these doctors give her," Elena explains, "they make her look, feel and act sick. But she is not sick, she never was!"

I don't understand a single thing about it all, "why would they do that?" Elena and Stefan look at me with worry. "We don't know, but it can't be good. Abby needs to get out of here, right now!" Elena says, "who knows what they want with her."

I feel my heart beat going faster and faster when I realize what is going on. The people in here make her look sick, but she is not sick... she never was...

Then it hits me, that doctor! That Williams dude! He must want something with my girl! He wants to keep her here for some reason!

"Oh no, not my girl!" I shout. I run out of the room. I almost run into Liz. "She is in room 407, down the hall," she says. I nod and start to run.

I want nothing more than to run on full speed, but I can't risk it. If people find out what I really am, they may stop me from finding my girl. I don't want to risk that!

I run through the hall, looking for door numbers. 411... 409... 407!

As fast as I can, I open the door. I use all the strength I have. The door slams open and I run inside with Liz, Elena and Stefan right behind me.

I look around in the room. But there is no one here... There is just a simple, empty bed and a small table. No extra door and no sign of my girl.

I turn around to Liz. "Are you sure this is the room?" I ask her. Liz nods, "she had to be here..."

I start to panic. No, this isn't happening! She is not gone. She can't be... I was here, just down the hall...

I feel tears burning in my eyes. I failed. Abby is gone. She is not safe. She never was safe in this god damn hospital! But I had no clue... I promised her... Did I just break my promise? Is it too late?

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