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I sit on the couch in my sweatpants and sweater on. Elena, Jeremy, Jenna, Alaric and Stefan stand in front of me. They are dressed up and look really fancy.

"Are you sure you want this?" Jenna asks. I smile. Tonight is some sort of dance at school they are all going to. I don't feel like going. Everyone asked me to come, literally everyone. But I told them no. I am not in the mood for a dance.

"Yes, I am sure," I tell them. "Okay, well, we are just a few minutes away if you need anything," Alaric says. I smile at him, "thank you." Jeremy still doubts. "Maybe I should stay home as well," he says. We all smile. He suggested this a milion times today. "No, I am good, Jer. You were looking forward to this for ages! Just go, I'll be fine," I tell him.

He smiles and walks towards me. I stand up and hug him tight. "I will keep an eye on my phone, okay?" He asks. I let go of him and smile. "Thanks, Jer. Now go have fun!" I tell him.

"Okay, we'll get going," Alaric says, "see you tomorrow!" I smile and take a seat on the couch again. "See you tomorrow! Have fun," I tell them. They all smile and walk out of the door.

I put the tv on and start a movie. I chose for Grease. I really like that movie and I have seen it a thousand times, but I felt like watching it again tonight.

Before the movie starts, I grab a bowl of popcorn and a blanked. I make myself comfortable on the couch. I look at my phone one last time before I focus on the movie. I see Emma and Macy texted me, begging me to come to the dance anyway. I laugh and text them I am definetely not coming and they should have fun.

I also see Luke has texted me.

Luke: Is there no way to convince you to come to the dance?

Me: Nope, sorry! I am not into it. Next time :)

Luke: Fine, but you owe me a dance next time!

Me: Fine

I check my messages one last time. I still haven't heard from Damon. I stare at the last few text I've send them yesterday.

Me: Hey Damon. Can you please call me? I really miss you...

Me: Okay, I actually wanted to tell you this over the phone (or in person) but since you are not answering and I have no clue where you are, I'll do it by text. I want you back, Damon. I am over most of my trauma and I need you again. Can you please come home? I love you

Me: At leaste tell me where you are or that you are fine. I haven't heard from you in a week! I am getting worried... Call me, please

I sigh. It feels like he is not gonna answer me any time soon... So, I put my phone away and focus on the movie. 

When I am almost halfway through the movie, I hear a soft click. I pause the movie and stay quiet, but then I hear it again. It comes from the front door...

I stay quiet and hear something that sounds like a door handle. My heartbeat quickens when I hear a door open. My body starts to shake and I start to sweat. I hear a few soft footsteps coming inside and then I hear the door close again.

Someone is inside! But who?

I quickly text Jeremy.

Me: Hey Jer, did someone went home already?

Jeremy - being the caring brother he is - responds within seconds.

Jeremy: No, everyone is still here. Including Emma, Macy and Luke. Why? Do you want company?

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