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The next morning I walk into the kitchen. Elena and Jeremy are already standing there. They stop talking as soon as I walk in.

"Good morning, Abby," they say. I smile, "morning." "How is your wrist?" Jeremy asks. Last night I told him and Elene everything that had happened between Damon and me. Elena told me that she and Stefan made sure Damon would stay away from me from now on.

"It's fine. Just some bruises, nothing to worry about," I tell him with a smile. He smiles back to me, but I can see it's not sincere. "I'm really sorry it happened," Elena tells me. "It wasn't your fault." "Still," Jeremy says, "Alaric shouldn't have done it."

I nod in agreement, "I know. I didn't even know they were friends." Elena sighs, "it's weird, isn't it?" I walk closer to her, "doesn't he know?"

Elena and Jeremy look at each other. "I don't know if he knows the details, but he sure knows where Damon is capable of," Jeremy says. "I don't understand why he would still be friends with him," I say and Elena and Jeremy nod in agreement.

When we arrive at school, it's more crowded than usual. I even notice a few police cars and ambulances. Elena parks the car and we all get out. "What do you think happened?" Jeremy asks. "No idea," Elena says.

When we walk towards the entrance, I spot Emma standing with her mother and Caroline. Emma's mother is the sheriff of the town, so I bet she knows what's going on!

"Hi Sheriff, what's going on here?" Jeremy asks as we near them. The look on her face alone makes me scared. "There is no school today," she says. "Why?" I ask her.

The sheriff looks at me and then at Elena. "There... There's been an attack," she says. "An attack?" I ask confused, "on who?" The sheriff stays quiet for a moment. "On mister Miller," she sighs.

My eyes go wide. "Mister Miller? How is he doing?" I ask her. "He's in the hospital," she says, "but girls, listen. Go home, please. This is a crime scene now. I will inform you later, okay?" We all nod. "Why don't we go to our house? We will wait for you there," Emma suggests. The sheriff nods, "good idea. But stay together, okay?"

"Why? What's going on? What kind of attack was it?" I ask. "It was an animal attack. Till we catch it, you better not go out alone, especially in dark. Do you all understand?" She asks. We all nod again. "Good, now get out of here!"

"Will you drive with me?" Emma asks me and Macy. "Yes, I'll just have to get something from the car," I tell her. "Okay, we'll meet you at my car," Emma says. I nod, get the car keys from Elena and walk back to the her car.

I unlock it and open the passenger door. I grab a small bag that I always keep there and open it. Because of my heart-issues I have to take some medicine whenever my heartbeat raises, to keep it down. On a normal school day, I don't need them. But I figured I will need them today.

"Tragic, isn't it?" I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and see Damon - of all people - standing in front of me. "Yes," I only say and turn back around to the car. "Do they know what attacked mister Miller?" Damon asks.

I grab my medicine and close the car door. "Why don't you ask someone who could know the answer?" I ask him. I want to walk away from him, but he blocks me. "Well how rude are you?" He asks with a grin.

I feel my heartbeat raising. "Get out of my way," I say, but Damon doesn't move. "Did I tell you how much I like it that you are scared of me?" He says, obviously proud of himself. I look him in the eyes. "If you wanna proof that you are a badass, I got that," I tell him. Damon laughs, "I don't have to proof anything." "So why are you here, Damon?" I ask him. Damon grins, "this is a public place, I am allowed to be here." "I get that, but why are you here, at this car, with me?" I ask, "Elena told me she and Stefan told you to stay away from me."

Damon laughs, "oh they did. I just never told them I would listen." I roll my eyes. When I see he is not paying attention, I quickly walk past him. "So, aren't you happy that you don't have classes today?" He asks, following me.

I roll my eyes again, but this time he can't see it. "Sure, just ignore me. Tell me, how many of your problems did you lose by ignoring it?" He asks. I stop walking and turn around to him. "Clearly, you're not gonna leave by yourself. Why don't you tell me where you came here for?" I ask him. Damon laughs, "are you trying to figure me out again?" He crosses his arms.

I mock him, by crossing my arms as well. "Are you pushing people away again?" I ask. "Says you! You want to stay away from me," he says. "Why don't you let me, then?" I ask him. Damon laughs, "because I like it how angry you get."

I roll my eyes and walk away from him. "Go find somebody else to annoy," I tell him. "Why would I? I know you like it," he says. I look back at him and see a big grin on his face. I roll my eyes again, but this time I can't hide my smile. That only makes Damon's grin grow. "See?" He says.

I quickly remove my smile and look at him with my serious face. "I am not saying I like you. You hurt me yesterday," I tell him. I stop walking again and stand in front of him. "I didn't hurt you that bad," Damon says. He stopped smiling as well and is just as serious as I am. "You did!" I tell him, "I got bruises!"

Damon crosses his arms again, "so are you talking about your arm or your faith in me?" My eyes go big in confusion. "My faith in you? You think I had faith in you? I knew you for a few minutes!" I tell him. Damon narrows his eyes, "and you're gonna tell me you weren't disappointed when you found out the truth about me?"

My heart raises again. He knows that I know... "I... I don't know what you're talking about," I quickly say. Damon laughs, "you don't have to pretend anymore. I know that you know about Vicki."

Anger burns inside my veins. How can he be joking about something horrible as this? "You are a dick!" I tell him and walk away from him. It must have been my lucky day, because he follows me, again!

"Come on, Abby!" He calls, but I ignore him. Then he grabs my arm to make me stop. The feeling of his hand around my arm, pushes me over the edge. I turn around to him and while I'm turning around, I lift my hand and slap him, hard, right on his cheek.

He clearly did not see that coming. I can see the fire in his eyes when he looks at me. "Oh you shouldn't have done that..." He says scary and angrily. He grabs my arm again, hard. I feel the fair racing through my veins. "Damon..." I start, but I don't know what to say.

He takes a small step closer to me, "you..." "Abby!" I hear Macy call. Damon and I look up and see her and Emma standing beside Emma's car. I look back at Damon. It seems like he understands he can't hurt me now, while they are watching.

"I'm not done with you," he says, let's go of my arm and walks away. I take a deep breath to calm myself before I walk over to Emma and Macy. "Was that Damon?" Macy asks. I nod, "yeah." "What does a guy like that wants from you?" Emma asks. I lift my shoulders, "I don't know. Why? Do you know him?"

Emma nods, "sadly, yes. He knows my mom." She turns around and looks at her mom. Like it's meant to be, Damon is standing beside her. They talk about something and start laughing all of a sudden. "How close are they?" Macy asks. Emma sighs, "pretty close, I assume." I look back at them and see Damon touches her shoulder. "Are they..." Macy starts, but Emma stops her. "No! Thank god, no! Besides, Damon is a bit too young for her, don't you think?"

Macy laughs, "you never know with that guy." I nod, "indeed, you never know..."

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