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When Damon and I let go of each other and turn around, we both look into the angry eyes of Elena. "Are you insane?" She asks. "Apparently," Damon laughs. He puts his arm around my shoulders. I feel my skin burn up. It feels weird, but also so right.

"Damon, she is way too young for you!" Stefan says. Damon rolls his eyes, "of course she is. I am 164 and she is sixteen." Stefan sighs, "I mean, you are still twenty-four and she is sixteen!" Elena keeps looking at me. "It's wrong, Abby," she says.

I let go of Damon and walk towards her. "It may look like that, but it isn't," I tell her. "Ab, you deserve someone who doesn't kill people for fun," Elena says. "Like killing animals is so great!" Damon says. "I only do what's necessary," Stefan says. "So do I," Damon says.

"I am serious, Abby, I don't want this," Elena says. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Well, I do," I say. I want to turn my back on her, but she grabs my arm and turns me around to face her. "This is non negotiable!" She says. I feel the fire of anger burning in my veins. "No, it isn't, because you have nothing to say in it! This is my life and my choice. You just have to learn to respect that," I tell her.

"Well, too bad, because you are only sixteen," Elena says. She grabs my wrist and pulls me towards her. "We're going home, right now!" She says. I try to pull my wrist out of her hand, but I can't. Elena pulls me with her to the door. 

"No way!" Damon yells. Damon appears in front of us and blocks the door. "She is coming home with me, Damon," Elena says. "She is not going anywhere with you," Damon says. "You are wrong for her and you know it," Elena says. "Don't you hear us? I love her and she loves me. Why can't you just accept that?" Damon asks. "Why can't you just accept that you two are never going to be a thing?" Elena asks.

I see how Damon gets angrier with every second that passes. "Well, too bad you can't do anything about it," Damon says. He grabs Elena's arm and I see how he squeezes it. "I give you two seconds to let go of her," Stefan says. He stands besides Damon and looks like he is going to fight him all over again.

"Bite me, brother," Damon says. But then Stefan actually attacks him. Damon lets go of Elena and falls on the floor with Stefan on top of him. Damon tries to fight Stefan off, but Stefan pushes Damon against the ground.

"Get off of me!" Damon shouts. Then Stefan breaks a piece of wood of Damon's bed. "No!" I shout, but I am too late. Stefan stabs Damon with the piece of wood in his shoulder. Damon screams of the pain and stops trying to fight Stefan. His body weakens and his hands move to the piece of wood. He tries to get it out, but can't.

I want to run over to him to help, but Elena still holds my wrist. "Let me go! I have to help him!" I tell her. "No, you don't. You're coming with me," she says. She pulls me away from Damon into the hallway.

I take one last look at Damon and his eyes meet mine. I see worry and fear in his eyes, what makes me want to scream and cry. Before I can say one last thing, Stefan closes the door behind us and Damon is out of sight. "I love you, Damon," I whisper while a tear leaves my eye.

While Elena tries to pull me through the house, I try to fight her every step. We both freeze when we hear the door behind us open. I hope to see Damon, coming to safe me, but feel sad, when I see it's Stefan.

Elena sighs relieved, "and?" Stefan walks towards us. "I snapped his neck. He is out for at least fifteen minutes," Stefan says. I feel all my muscles freeze. "You killed him? Are you insane?!" I yell. Stefan looks at me, fire in his eyes. "He did things way worse," he just says.

Then he looks back at Elena. "Let's get you home," he says. Elena nods and lets me go. I immediately run back to the door, but Stefan stands in front of me within a split second. "I meant you too," he says. I get scared. Stefan never scared me, until now.

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