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One week. One week I succeded to ignore Damon so far. And I can tell you: it's not easy! The second day, he already tried to call me. I didn't pick up, so he texted me. So I made up a lie to keep him away from me. I just told him I am busy and don't have time for him. So far, it worked! After that day, he just texted me three times. I am glad, though. I don't want to be around him now.

When I walk out of the school, onto the parking lot, I get scared when I see a familiar blue, old car. Oh god no... But when I look around, I don't see him anywhere. So I just walk on. I walk past the car, to Jeremy's car.

When I get in the car, I sigh relieved. "Are you okay?" Jeremy asks. I smile and nod, "I do. I was just scared Damon was here to pick me up." Jeremy smiles and starts the car. "He isn't. You told us you didn't want to see him, so we won't," he says. I smile at him, "thank you."

Jeremy drives us away from the school. "You kind of make me wondering what he said to you," he says honestly. I stare out of the window. "Not much," I tell him. "Okay fine, just know I am here for you if you want to tell me. But I won't let him near you anyway, I promise you," he says. I turn around to him and smile thankfully. "Thanks, Jer. I just finally saw what kind of person he is," I tell him.

Jeremy looks scared, "I am sorry. That must have been hard for you." I get confused, "what do you mean?" "Well, you had hope. You saw a guy nobody else saw. You actually made me believe he was better than I thought. It must have been awful to see he wasn't the guy you thought he was," he says. I smile and stare out of the window again. "It really was..."


One week. Abby has been ignoring me for one week! Almost a week ago she told me she was busy and not in the mood to hang out. But it's driving me crazy! I try to reach her, to find out what's wrong, but I can't. Apperently she told her whole family about it. Nobody will tell me where she is or what is wrong.

I even tried to talk to Macy and Emma. But they won't say a thing to me. I know they know more. I see it in the way they look at me. I am used to people looking at me like they disgust me, but they look at me in an other way. They know more, they have to!

So that's why I am in the one place I shouldn't be for the one thing I shouldn't do. But here I am! Making bad decisions like ever!

I park my car and walk towards the door. I look at the building. Man, I am so glad I already finished school like a century ago! But, actually, I wouldn't mind going to school here... Looking at the people who go here...

When I enter the building, I look around. There are two ways today can go. One, I find Abby and make her talk to me. Two, I will find the person I have as my back-up plan.

I look around the entire school, but Abby is nowhere to be found. She is still goes to this school, doesn't she? Yes, she does.

Honestly, if I hadn't seen her the last few days, I would go crazy and think she had left town. But luckily, I know she didn't.

The only way for me to stay calm and be sure that she is doing okay, is to check in on her, every night. So that's what I do. I go to her house every night and see if she's there. I don't go in the house, I just stay in the garden and look at her. Almost every day, she just sits behind her desk, doing her homework or she reads a book on her bed.

A sharp ring brings me back from my peaceful memories into reality. Within seconds the halls of the school fill up with students. It's the end of the day, so everyone seems to be in a hurry to get home. Like I would be, if I would go to school here.

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