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When I get in my room, I close the door behind me and lock it. I am exhausted! And I am not feeling like talking to anyone of them for the rest of the day.

I lean against the door and feel the tears forming up in my eyes. I close my eyes and feel them rolling down my cheeks.

Never did I ever think everyone would be against me like this. I have never felt so alone... How everyone looked at me, wondering if I was going crazy while I told them about Damon. And with nobody there to help or defend me...

I scare when I hear my window break open. I turn around, but never felt more relieved when I see Damon standing in my room. His eyes are worried and scared, yet they spit fire. The shirt he wears, is covered in blood.

I don't doubt a second and run into his arms. I hug him tight, not thinking about the blood on his shirt and probably on my dress right now.

I feel his arms around me and his head against mine. I feel like I can finally breath out again.

"Are you okay?" Damon asks. I let go of him and look him in the eye. "Are you? You are covered in blood," I tell him. Damon puts his hand on my cheek. "I'm okay," he says, "I was furious when I got here, but now I just wanna kiss you after that speech you gave."

I feel my cheeks glow. "You heard that?" I ask him. Damon smiles and nods. "Then, where are you waiting for?" I smile. Damon laughs, puts both his hands on my cheeks and presses his lips on mine.

It feels good. After all the screaming and the hate, it feels good to have Damon close to me and feeling his lips on mine.

When we move away again, we stare in each other's eyes. It almost feels like today didn't happen. Like it's just us and nobody who is trying to stop us.

"Do you have a second? I just need to kill some people," Damon says. He wants to walk out of my room, but I grab his arm to stop him. "Maybe you shouldn't," I tell him. He turns back around to me with a questionable look in his eyes. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want them to throw it all back on me, you know? If you hurt them now, it will only be another argument why I shouldn't be with you," I tell him. Damon sighs, "so you want me to behave from now on?"

I smile, "no, I won't ask you something that big." Damon laughs, "how nice of you." I step closer to him and put my hand on his chest. "Please, just stay here with me," I beg him. It seems like Damon doubts, just for a moment, but then he nods and hugs me again.

"What are we gonna do, Damon?" I ask him. I feel like I could cry a river, right now. "I don't know. Everybody here wants us to not be together," he sighs. "How do you feel about that?" I ask him. Damon stays quiet for a moment.

"I hate it," he finally says. I let go of him and look at him. "Me too," I say and we both smile. Then Damon touches my cheek. "Let's run away together," he says. I start to laugh. "You are crazy!"

But Damon keeps looking at me with a serious face. "You're kidding, right?" I ask him. Damon shakes his head. "Why not? If we run away together, they will know they have no power over us. When we come back, Elena will not try to control your life anymore, because she knows she can't," he explains.

Only the thought of running away with Damon, makes my body shake. Alone with Damon, nobody will ever tell me what I can't do... I would like that!

"We can't," I say, "I need to keep up with school..." Damon smiles, "I will teach you everything you need to know." I start to laugh, "do you actually remember anything you learned?"

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