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I sit in my car. Well, actually the car I stole. But what else was I supposed to do? Walk all the way from that creepy location to Abby's house? No way!

I wait for a red light while I think back to the last hour. I can't believe Abby was home. She scared me when she came out of the living room, holding a candlestick. She was ready to beat up who ever walked into her home.

Well, I am glad she saw it was me before she actually hit me. She tried to, but luckily I could stop her in time.

When she realised it was me, I saw how her eyes light up. She couldn't believe it, but she was so glad to see me. When she wrapped her arms around me, I felt alive.

She didn't hug me like that in a long long time. It felt amazing to feel her body against mine and her head against my shoulder.

But then... the look in her eyes when I told her I was leaving again. I felt like I could hear her heart break. I hope I never have to hurt her like that ever again!

Then she asked me if I was seeing someone else. Ha, like I would actually think about other girls! I could never love anyone else than her.

A loud horn behind me. I look up to the traffic lights and see my light turned green. I quickly start to drive again. I hope I remember the road back to hell, I mean doctor Martin's place.

Luckily, I do. I park my car in the bushes next to another car and get out. I walk back into the building and see Katherine staring at me.

"That was quite an act you put up," she says. I roll my eyes and follow her inside. "I am glad you enjoyed it," I tell her. "Yeah I did! Nothing better than to hear you compel her to forget everything that could get you free," she grins.

I sigh and don't say another word to her. I can't wait to see the look on her face when Abby is the one to set me free.

We walk into a small room. When I see doctor Martin standing there, I sigh. No way back now...

"Damon! I was almost thinking you were already dead," he laughs. He looks at Katherine. "How did he do?" He asks. "Amazing. Nobody knows," she says. Doctor Martin grins. "Good job, Damon. Do you have it?" He asks. I grab the necklace out of my pocket.

Doctor Martin's eyes go big, just as his smile. I hand it over to him. "Look at that! Even Katherine couldn't find it," he says. I grin, "because Katherine isn't as smart as I am."

Doctor Martin laughs. "I doubt that. Katherine, go ahead my dear," he says. Go ahead? But then Katherine grabs my head and breaks my neck.


Well, here I am. Tied up to my chair, waiting for someone to come home and set me free. I am really mad at Damon for doing this, but on the other hand, I was actually planning on following him.

After what feels like hours, I finally hear the front door open. "Abby?" I hear Jeremy ask.

"Jer! Up here!" I yell. I hear how he runs up the stairs. "Abby?" He asks. "In my room," I say. Within a second my door opens. Jeremy walks in, but he scares when he sees me.

"Abby, what happened?" He asks. He immediately unties me. "Thank you," I sigh and stand up. My arms are actually hurting.

"Are you okay? Who did this to you?" He asks. He looks worried and angry. I don't answer him and walk to my window. I open my curtains and look around. I have no idea if Katherine is still here. But she can't know that Damon didn't compel me.

"Abby, who did this to you?" Jeremy asks. I grab a piece of paper and a pen and start to write something down.

Don't say anything. Damon was here. He didn't leave town, he got kidnapped by the same guy as before. Katherine is around somewhere and if she knows that I know, she will kill all of us.

Jeremy reads it and looks at me with a confused look. So I write more.

Damon pretended to compel me to forget everything. Katherine can't know that he was just pretending. But I know how we can safe Damon.

Jeremy nods. "You know what? Let's get you some food," he suggests. I nod and follow him to the kitchen. He starts the mixer and opens the water tap. He turns back to me. "Okay, so you are saying that Damon got kidnapped again. But he came here and had to convince you he was just leaving town by compelling you, but he didn't compel you so you know what is really going on?" He asks.

I smile and nod. "Yes, that's right. So now we have to go to Bonnie, find out where he is and free him," I tell him. Jeremy nods, "but how are we gonna tell Stefan and Elena?" "I'll just text them!"

So, I send a text to Elena.

Me: Hey Elena, you and Stefan need to get home right now. Don't read this out loud. Someone is listening. Bring Alaric and Bonnie with you.

I send the text and look back to Jeremy. He still wears his suit. It looks great on him, tho.

"They will be here soon," I say. Jeremy smiles, "we just need to think of a way to keep Jenna out of it." I sigh, "yes we do. Or we can just tell her everything?"

Jeremy smiles, "I don't think that is a good idea." "Why not? Being left in the dark is even worse," I tell him. "We'll talk with Ric about it, okay?" He asks and I nod.

I know I am the only one who wants to include Jenna. But I know how it feels to be left out. Besides, it will be the best way to keep her safe. Just like it was with me.

"Let's discus that with the others," Jeremy suggests. I nod and take a seat at the table. Jeremy walks closer to me. "So Damon was here?" He asks. I smile at him and nod.

"How was he doing?" He asks. "He looked okay, besides the fact that he was injected with a virus that could kill him," I tell Jeremy. "But how was it for you to see him again? Did you still feel fear?" He asks.

I smile wide thinking back at the feeling of holding Damon. I finally felt happy again. "It was amazing. I felt good. All the fear is gone," I tell him. Jeremy smiles with me, "I'm happy to hear that."

A few minutes later, the front door opens. Elena, Stefan, Bonnie and Alaric walk in. "What is going on?" Elena asks. The all look worried.

"Where is Jenna?" I ask before I start. "She stays over with a friend," Alaric says. I smile, "well that makes some things easier." "Well, tell us what is going on!" Elena says.

I stand up from my chair. Jeremy starts the mixer again and nods to me. "I know how we can find Damon," I tell them. Elena sighs, "that is what is so important?"

I feel offended right away. "For your information, he is kidnapped by the same guy again. We need to safe him," I tell them. Alaric and Stefan look worried.

"That same guy took Damon again?" Alaric asks. I nod, "that guy is working with Katherine. She can't know that we know or she will kill us," I say.

"Okay, then we need to work in secret. Bonnie can you locate Damon?" Stefan asks. "Yes, I only need you for that," she tells Stefan.

Within a few minutes we have lit some candles and Bonnie has put out a map on the table. She holds Stefan's hand and cuts it open with a knife.

Stefan's blood drips on the map. Bonnie holds Stefan's hand and closes her eyes. She says a few things in a language I don't understand. Slowly the blood drops become one bigger drop. They slowly move to a side of the map.

All of a sudden, it stops. Bonnie opens her eyes again and lets go of Stefan's hand. "That's where Damon is," she says. We all look at the map.

"So what's the plan?" Alaric asks. "We get dressed and go there as fast as we can," I say. "Don't you think we have to alarm Liz?" Jeremy asks. "Okay, fine. We can call Liz on our way there," I say.

"I don't think it's a good idea that you come along," Elena says. I stand up and sigh. "I am going. If you want to stay here because you don't give a crap about Damon, then stay here. But I am gonna safe him," I tell her and go upstairs.

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