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It's barely a week later. Even though Katherine wants me dead, Damon and I are having the time of our lives. Everyone took the threats seriously. Since that day, I was never alone. But it's not as bad as it sounds.

Since everyone believes Damon and I are great friends, nobody thought it was weird that we spend so much time together. Almost every night of the last week, I spent with Damon.

We mostly avoid Stefan and Elena. So every night Elena slept over at the Salvatore house, Damon slept over at my house and the other way around. We even put a mattress on by bedroom floor to let everyone believe Damon slept there in stead in my bed with me.

So far, it worked. Nobody is suspicious and Katherine never showed again. I am still scared she will. Every day she doesn't show, I am scared she will come for me the next second I am left alone.

I told Damon about it too, but he assured me that will never happen. I hope he is right, but I am scared he isn't.

When the school bell rings, everyone in class gathers their things and leaves the room. Luckily, Emma and Macy wait for me and we leave the room together. They don't know about Katherine, but we always stay together at school, so nothing changed there.

"Abby?" I hear behind me. I turn around and see Alaric standing in front of me. "Hello mister Saltzman," I greet him. Alaric smiles and looks at Macy and Emma. "Can I borrow her for a second?" He asks them.

They both smile and nod. "Of course," Emma says. I look at them and smile, "see you later." They both nod and smile, "see you later."

They both walk away and I follow Alaric to his classroom. I close the door behind us and take a seat at the front row. Alaric takes a seat at his desk.

"So, since I can't talk to you about this at home, I have to do it here," he starts, "are you doing okay? With everything?" I smile and nod. "I am. I am still scared for her to show up, but everyone is looking out for me, which is really nice," I tell him.

Alaric smiles, "great. If your school is ever affected by any of this, let me know. I will do whatever I can to help. Maybe you can get extra time for something." I smile wide, "thank you. It means a lot. So far, I am a little behind with everything, but I can make it."

Alaric smiles as well, "great. Just let me know, okay?" I nod and walk out of the room.

Immediately I feel scared. Even though there are a lot of other people in the building, I feel alone. I walk quickly towards the exit. I know Damon was gonna pick me up, so I want to go to him as quickly as possible.

When I walk outside, I almost run to the parking lot. My breathing is heavy and I look behind me every few steps. I can almost feel her presence, so I start to run.

I am aware of the people staring at me like I am a crazy person, but I bet they're right. I am running to the parking lot. I mean, I know it's Friday, but nobody runs like this to get out of here.

When I look back one last time, I bump into someone. I feel like my heart is gonna explode out of fear, but then I look into Damon's eyes.

His hands are on my arms, trying to stop me. His eyes are filled with worry, panic even. "Are you okay?" He asks. I try to catch my breath and hug Damon tight.

I feel how he hugs me back and holds me tight. "It's okay, baby, I am here," says. Never in my entire life did just a few words calm me this much.

Within a minute, my breath is normal and I am calm again. I let go of Damon and look him in the eye. "Thank you," I say, "I was getting paranoid."

Damon smiles and puts his hand on my cheek. "You're safe," he says. I smile and nod. Damon removes his hand. "Let's get you home, okay?" He asks. I nod and walk with him to his car.

When we walk into my house, Damon follows me. I walk into the kitchen and find Stefan and Elena there. "Hey guys," I greet them. "Hey, how was school?" Elena asks. "It was good," I tell her. I don't tell them about the panic attack I had just a few minutes ago. I look over at Damon, hoping he wouldn't call me out either, but he just smiles and doesn't say anything.

"So, since it's Friday, there is a party tonight," Elena says. I lift my eyebrow, "where?" "Our house," Stefan says. I get confused and look over at Damon. I want to ask him why he didn't tell me, but when I see the confused look on his face, I know he didn't know either.

"Why at our place?" Damon asks. "Because Caroline was desperate to throw a party and we have the space," Stefan says. I simply smile, "sounds fun!"

So, I text Macy and Emma about it and within a few hours, Elena and I arrive at the Salvatore house. Stefan and Damon went earlier to get things ready and help Caroline decorate. Elena and I offered to help, but we weren't allowed.

Elena parks the car and we walk inside. We are welcomed with loud music and already drunk people. "Didn't the party start like half an hour ago?" I ask Elena when I see already people vomiting from the alcohol. Elena laughs, "I thought so!"

We walk inside and find Caroline and Stefan in the kitchen. "It's already a hell of a party!" I laugh. Caroline smiles proudly, "I know right!"

I look around in the room and find Emma and Macy at the table with drinks. I smile and walk towards them. "Hey ladies," I tell them. They both smile when they see me. "You look great!" Emma says.

I look down at my golden dress. It is tight and barely reaches my knees. Luckily, it's not that sexy.

I look at Emma's dress. She is wearing a black dress, the same model as mine. The I look at Macy's dress, which is purple and also the same model. I start to laugh, "are we really wearing the same dress in different colours?"

Macy and Emma laugh at well. "We actually are!" I remember when we bought these dresses together. We agreed not to wear them at the same time, because it would look weird, but here we are.

"Actually, I don't think it's that obvious it's the same dress," Emma says. Macy and I agree. "Besides, there are so many people in this room! Nobody will notice," Macy says. I smile and agree.

I grab a cup and fill it with a red liquid. I know Elena would freak if she will find out I am drinking tonight, but I don't actually care.

Macy touches my shoulder. "Do you know who I just saw?" She asks me. "Who?" I ask her. I want to guess Damon, but it's his house, so that wouldn't be weird. "Luke," she says. My eyes go big, "he is here?"

"Yes, you should talk to him!" Emma says. I get nervous right away. "Maybe I shouldn't..." I say. Macy and Emma shake their head. "You should! He is into you!" Emma says. I look at her and smile, "I am kind of taken."

Emma rolls her eyes, "just talk to him." I laugh, "you are still hoping I get over Damon, don't you?" Emma laughs, "yes. Please, for me?" I laugh, "okay! Fine!"

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