Elena tears up even before the word leaves her mouth. "Cancer..."

Everyone is silent. Everyone lets Elena's words sink in. That one word that everyone on earth is scared to hear. That one word that creates the most tears and worry. That one word is the word we all have to deal with right here, right now.

I feel how Abby gets nervous. She starts to shake and I feel her breathing quickens. Everyone looks at her, but nobody opens their mouth. Nobody dares to confirm yet deny it. We don't know either one for sure.

"Are you sure?" Abby is the first one to say something. Elena shakes her head. "No, but I guess we will find out tomorrow, right?" Elena asks. Abby nods lightly. I look at her and see the tears in her eyes, but she is too confused to cry. I see how she tries to figure out if it may be true, but she can't.

I start to get angry. Why did Elena drop this bomb on her like that?! She isn't even sure! Abby is now even more worried and scared than she was, but for what? For nothing!

I let my hand touch Abby's cheek. I want to see the look in her eyes before I start to yell at Elena. But when Abby turns her head to face me, I don't see anger at all. Even her tears are gone...

How can she handle this news so easily? Did she feel like it would get to this? Did she think about this option all along?

"Are you okay?" I ask her. She nods softly. "I am just tired," she says. I smile and take her hand. "Let's get you upstairs, okay?" I ask her. She nods and stands up, still holding my hand. "I will see you in the morning," she says. She hugs Elena, Jeremy and even Stefan and then walks upstairs.

I follow her and close her bedroom door. Abby takes her clothes off and puts on her pyjama. I don't even think about turning around and she doesn't seem to care either. If Abby really has cancer, it is possible she won't survive...

Wow, I didn't think I would ever have that thought... My life without Abby? How will I ever survive? I mean, I did survive it for a lot of years, but to think about that now... It seems impossible...

I take a seat on her bed and stare at my hands. What if everything is way worse than we think? What if Abby really gets to die? I mean, I have seen a lot of people die of Cancer. Some even within a few weeks. What if...

No, I don't want to think about that! Abby won't be one of them! She won't die. She can't.

Abby walks over to me and stands in front of me. She puts her hand on my chin and turns my head to face her. I look in her beautiful, worried eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks. I want to answer and tell her I am fine, but my throat turns dry and I don't feel like I can answer her.

I close my eyes, just for a single second. Just to get myself together again. But I wish I hadn't. When I look at her again, I feel cold, scared and lonely. I feel the worry of losing her, racing through my body.

I feel like I am back there. Back in that cell, with Abby in my arms, nearly dead. I feel the same feeling I felt back there... I feel useless. I want to safe my girl. I want nothing more, but I can't. I can't safe her... Again!

I reach out and grab her hips. I lift her up and put her on my lap. I hold her as tight as I can and fall back on her bed, still holding her. I feel like a puppy, getting a hand on his favourite toy and not wanting to let it go, ever.

I feel how Abby wraps her arms around me as well. "I promised you to never leave you and I will never break that promise," I tell her. I close my eyes and let the first tears roll down my cheek. I know we wanted to stay strong, but I can't. I feel scared, terrified even.

I hear Abby starts to cry as well. "I promise you to never leave you too," she tells me. I smile and hold her even closer. I need to be careful not to break her.

"I love you, Damon," Abby says, "more than I have ever loved anything in this world." More and more tears leave my eyes. "I love you too, Abby. From the second I layed eyes on you," I tell her.

I hear how Abby starts to laugh. It makes me laugh as well, but then it also makes me cry even more. How many times will I hear this laugh?

"Don't lie to me, Damon. The first day, you hated me," she laughs. I smile when I think back to that day. I remember the moment she walked out of that room. She was looking for Stefan, but she found me instead.

I remember how she turned around and shocked when she saw me. I saw how she looked at me when I told her I was Stefan's brother. I expected her to be scared, but she wasn't. She talked to me like she was a detective, trying to find out why she didn't know me.

I remember when we sat in my car. She tried to figure me out. I am used to people being scared of me and I absolutely enjoy it, but Abby wasn't scared. Not even a little bit.

I remember her pretty eyes I couldn't stop looking at and her smile. Man, I couldn't think about anything else that day. Of course, I didn't know I loved her back then. I just thought I wanted to scare her, just like I scare everyone else.

But I didn't. I wanted to be around her. It didn't matter to me how.

"I loved you back then, baby," I tell her. Abby lets go of me and stares into my eyes, like she wants to figure me out, just like she did that first day.

"I loved your judgy eyes and the way you tried to figure me out," I tell her, "I loved it all." Abby smiles and I see how her cheeks heat up. "But you didn't say it," she says. I laugh, "No I didn't. I never would. At least, not back then."

Abby smiles and hugs me again. "I loved you too," she says, "I remember not feeling scared at all, while I probably should have been." I laugh, "yes, you should have been."

Abby leans back and looks at me. "But I wasn't and I never will be," she says. I smile and lean in. "I love you," I tell her, just before our lips touch each other. Abby moves her hands to my neck and holds my head in place. "I love you too," she says and opens her mouth for me.

I feel like the room is burning up. The worry seems to be kicked out of the window when the love and heat walked in. I am not scared for tomorrow, I can only think of right now. And right now, Abby is here with me. That is all that matters.

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