The Seven Deadly Sins/ Cross Dimensional Travel/ The Wizard, Giant and Princess

Start from the beginning

She then Coated her Skin in a Titanium alloy and started charging at him! He just simply changed into Wolfrath and Tossed her over his Shoulder and then Started Screaming at her.

WolfRath: "Look Here, Little Lady! WolfRath doesn't care if You're a Princess! A Goddess! Or even the Heir of Timbuktu! You will get Beaten to a pulp!"

He then Charges at her and Tackles her to the ground and started hyper-howling in her Face until He was Stopped by Ban, King, Gowther, Escanor, Hawk, Diane, Merlin, and Meliodas all trying to pin him down until he can calm down!

They all were at the Campfire eating Mammoth meat (Hunted by Diane of course) with Jackson Profusely apologizing for his actions.

Jackson: "Guys I'm so sorry once again for what happened! I had no control over myself and-!"

Liz: "It's Okay Jackson we Forgive You! Right guys?"

Everyone nodded except for Ban and Hawk who were beaten up pretty bad with Cuts, Bruises, and Cartoonish Bandages by trying to keep him down Alone. Diane grabbed the two and started passively-aggressively threatening them!

Diane: "Right Guys!?"

Ban: *Choking* "S-Sure!"

Hawk: *Also choking* "Y-Yeah! P-Please don't turn me Into BBQ Diane!"

Diane: "Okey Dokey!"

She then Proceeds to put them and then take a big bite out of her Mammoth's Leg. That was Hell began to Break Loose.

Meliodas: "So Jackson how are you and Your girls doing back home?"

The Three girls nearly choked on their food hearing this!

The Girls: "What!?"

King: "Haven't you heard! This Man over here has amassed a Harem of dozens of girls! I swear I didn't know he had it in him!"

Jackson: "To be honest I didn't either!"

Escanor: "Oh Nonsense!" *Slaps his Back! Hard!* "This is an impressive feat for anyone!"

The girls then started reacting in different ways. Liz started to get really flustered at the thought of possibly sharing him with other girls, Daine was Turning red with anger at the thought of other women Trying to 'Steal' Her man and Merlin Began to Stress eat just chowing down on all the food she can get her hands on without putting on a single pound of course.

Just then Something caught Meliodas' attention and He caught something before it hit his Head and when He opened his hand up in turned out to be a Molten Rock! And Before he can tell anyone what Happened they were ambushed by 10 Yuzang Vong (They Look plenty like Vong in the last chapter) and Started attacking them.

They Rounded up everyone except for Jackson 10 and Were searching for him while their Leader which Questioning them.

L: "Where is he You Sack of Bantha Dung!?"

Melodias: "For the last time we don't know where he is!"

He then Bitch slapped the Demon and Looked at him with his big, red, Glowing, one eye! 

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