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"Relax, Ope. I'm coming." Happy got off his bike, walking towards his old house just outside Charming, his dog barking loudly.

As soon as Happy unlocked the door, he felt cold metal on the back of his head, "I think he missed you."

"You know who we are?" Another man asked, slamming the front door shut, ordering Happy around, "Nothing?"

"I don't need to know who you are." Happy told them as they forced him to sit down, tying him up to a kitchen chair.

"And why's that?"

"Because when this is over, either I'm dead, or you're dead." Happy said, staring Felipe Reyes's children in the eyes, murder on his mind.

"Anything in the bedroom?"

"Not yet." Ope continued barking as they dug around his bedroom, slamming drawers shut, and dug around in his room for information, "Didn't find much, just some old probation shit. Yeah, just these. Let's see what he knows."

"Nine years ago," EZ started, more anger on his face than Angel's ever seen, "Someone kicked open the back door of my family's butcher shop. Shot our mother in the neck. Murdered her. I saw someone drive away in a car. I remembered the car. I remember shit. I followed you that night." EZ told him, almost as if he could hear the gunshot and sirens all over again.

"We know you were a triggerman before you were Samcro. You were Nomad, gun for hire. Who the fuck hired you? Simple question. We need a simple answer. Just a name."

"Fuck this."

"Was it the cartel? Galindo?"

"What? Why the fuck would Galindo want Mom dead?" Angel asked.

"Dad was a cop. I saw pictures of Pop with Jose Galindo. That's why I asked Happy about the cartel." EZ clarified, still confused about how this was going to go down. The man sitting in the chair was not responding. He was hardcore. Would take his secrets to the grave. They'd have to find a way to get it out of him. Angel pistol whipped him, ready to move things along, to get him talking.

"It wasn't my place to tell you. Dad knew I saw it. When I finally asked him about it- he said nothing."


"Everything that's gone down between us, Angel even if I could have -"

"You should have told me. He should have told me."


"Man, he never trusted me with anything. mom neither."

"Come on, man, that's not fair."

"Fair? You have no fucking idea. Fair. Every time I walked into a room man, for as long as I can remember, mom and pop- there'd be this this slight letdown. You know? Disappointment. Cause it was me instead of you. Oh, man, saying it saying it out loud, sounds fucking pathetic. But- but you live with that for 20 years or more-"

"I'm sorry."

"It ain't your fault."

"But sometimes, man, I fucking hated you. Just the sight of you. It would be a reminder that I'm some kind of fucking you know, some idiot. A fucking mistake."

"Angel, nobody ever thought that."

"Poor little Angel. Nobody loved him." Happy spoke up from the living room, still tied to a chair, blood running down his face.

"These are for his kills, right? The smiley faces?"


"Which one you think was mom?"

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