Treinta Y Uno/Thirty One

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"Yo! Shut up!"

"It's a good-looking pit."

"She's a dick. Ate my bed this morning."

"Bitches, man. Your dad said you were staying outside the clubhouse. Living the dream."

"Where you at now?"

"Niland. Suze is working at the beef plant in Brawley, but you get more space in Niland. Got a good spot over by the Navy. Fuckers be blowing shit up all the time, though. Got kids now. Two girls."

"Shit. Congrats, man."

"You were just gone, man. One day, just..."

"Yeah, they rolled me up in the middle of the night. On some fed-type diesel therapy shit. I had no idea where I was going. After a week or so, landed at High Desert."

"You hook up with Smokey?"

"Sh... Which one? There was, like, five fսcking Smokey's there. No, man, I just... just kept my head down, finished out my time."

"Yeah, it's just... People talk."

"Yeah. What'd they say? You asking to see my fսcking paperwork?"

"Shit, bro, it ain't like that. It's just been a minute and I'm trying to reconnect. It's fսckеd up being out. Dream about it, it's all you fսcking want, but... shit's just a lot more complicated out here. Diesel therapy."

"Moldy bologna sandwiches. Fսcking tiny orange you can't even peel."

"Well, now that we're both out, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Like you said, bro. Just living the dream."

Izzy slammed the bedroom door shut and listened to her Uncle scream at her from down the hall. He stormed off after, shoving passed Chibs who entered his home and took in the barely touched plates of food sitting on the table. Rolling his eyes, he sighed, walking down the hall, hearing Izzy's soft crying from the room.

"Come on, kid..." He leaned against the wall, knocking on the door, "It ain't good for you to be sitting in here all day. Let's go... you can see everybody, get some fresh air."

The door cracked open and Izzy stared at him with tired, red eyes.

"C'mon, lass."

"I don't wanna see Happy."

"He took off back to his house. Picked up Ope and left."

The door opened the rest of the way and Izzy stepped out. She was wearing a plain shirt, a pair of leggings, and sneakers. She looked exhausted and pale. Some sun would do her good. She followed behind the Charming charter President and watched him grab an extra helmet and lock up his home. When he started his bike, and she sat behind him, she closed her eyes, resting her head against his shoulder and let the stress from her day melt away.

Being around SOA so much made her miss EZ even more. She was depressed, refused to look for another job here, unwilling to abandoned her life and memories left back in Santo Padre.

She missed him desperately.
She missed Letty.
Hell, she even missed Angel's annoying ass.

Arriving at the lot, members greeted Izzy and their Pres before disappearing inside. Izzy reluctantly followed behind, hearing more greetings from those behind the bar, slipping onto a stool.

"What'll it be?" A croweater bartending asked.

The loud chatter and music was starting to give her a headache and she just walked in the door. She closed her eyes.

𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴 - 𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙈𝘾Where stories live. Discover now