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Things were still very much tense and awkward between Izzy and her uncle. First, the eye contact stopped and now... they completely ignore each other in the same room. Most days, when Izzy wakes up for work, he's already gone. This morning was no different.


"Here's the deal: we reinstate balance. We'll also supply manpower and weapons to crush Los Olvidados. What the US and Mexican authorities don't know is that someone else offered me a deal. Please sit. My organization is no longer at odds with Los Olvidados. Galindo will continue doing business with them, keep it looking real. And SamCrow can supply the cartel. Through us. Feds'll have no idea."

Happy showed up to the Mayans compound as Sons of Anarchy members from up North showed up to see the deal go through. He had his prospect with him and was heading back to Charming. He didn't even bother to tell Izzy.

"Who's the old man?"

"Felipe? Oh, EZ and Angel's pop."

"His sons are Mayans?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Got a long drive ahead of us. Let's go."

"Something wrong, Hap?"

"Shut up."

"All right."


"Put EZ on the next Adelita relief run."

"Angel will shut that down."

"Angel doesn't fucking decide. The only way these Reyes brothers work out this beef is in each other's face. Make 'em run together."



The morning at work went suprisingly fast. Izzy went out to lunch with her coworkers, carpooling with them, sitting in a fast food restaurant. She listened to them chat about their significant others when her phone kept vibrating. She opened it, seeing a new text message from Nero. She read it, "Hey Izzy! The boys are doing well. Everyone's thinking about you. Hope you're well. Abel and Thomas wanted me to send you a picture of their huge lego tower. They're very proud of it. Love you."

Izzy clicked on the attached picture and smiled at Abel and Thomas who stood in front of their lego creation with huge smiles across their faces. She grinned, saving the picture to her phone. Thomas was the spitting image of his mother, Tara. And Abel was a miniature Jax. It was crazy how fast they grew up and time seemed to be flying by. She knew, Jax and Tara would be just as proud of them as Nero and Wendy are.

"Wow! It's even taller than them! Tell them they did a good job! I'm doing well. Just working. Not much going on. I love you all. Give them a kiss from me. xo" Izzy texted back, not expecting such a quick reply.

"Will do. Can we expect you and Happy for the holidays? It's all Thomas and Abel talk about. Chibs already said he's coming out. We're having a big Thanksgiving and Christmas feast and we want the closest family. They'd love to show you around the farm. All kinds of animals and room to play. It's been so long since we've all been together."

"You can count on us! We'll be there. Tell everyone we can't wait to see them. Love you." Izzy sent a quick text back, closing her phone.

A few minutes later, she and her coworkers headed back to work. These days, she dreaded going home.


"What are you doing here?"

"We have to talk, Angel."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yeah, there is."

"What, your, um, sponsor sent you here? Worried his golden boy didn't get the votes he needs?"

"I don't give a fuck about the vote."

"Well, if this is about Pop, man, then stay out of it. It's none of your fucking business."

"It's not about Pop. It's about Mom."


"I know who killed her."


Izzy was dropped off at home, after a long day of work, and headed inside to greet the barking dog. Ope was jumping around, happy to see her, wagging his tail.

"Hey." Izzy bent down on the balls of her feet, petting the animal, "I missed you, too. You're such a good boy. I love you."

"Noone else here?" She stood up, after receiving a few kisses of greeting from the dog, "Guess it's just you and me tonight, Ope."

Ope was hot on her heels as she walked through the house. She carried her things in her arms and stopped as she entered the kitchen. There was a box on the kitchen table. Papers were stacked up all over and she eyed them in confusion. Izzy set her stuff down, pulling out a chair, carefully picking up a piece of paper.

"What is this?" She whispered.

Suddenly, the door opened. Izzy quickly put back the paper and stood up. She thought it was her uncle. She grabbed her things and peeked around the corner.

It was Hallorann.

"Hey," He greeted, "Sorry. Didn't know anyone was home."

"What are you doing here?" Izzy asked.

"Your uncle wanted me to drop something off for him."

"Where is he?"


"Wow." Izzy rolled her eyes, annoyed by her uncle's petty behavior, "Why aren't you there?"

"I was supposed to go, but he figured I should stay here-"

"And spy on me," Izzy shook her head, "Well, Hallorann, you can tell my uncle I'm a grown woman and I don't need a babysitter."

"Um, you know, this is a family issue and he's my sponsor-"

"Close the door on your way out." Izzy said, walking down the hall towards her bedroom. Her uncle really couldn't tell her he was going all the way back to Charming? Unbelieveable.

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