The Game

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Principle Kay ^^


"Go Jason! Yes!" I yelled and cheered as he hit a three-pointer. "You go baby." He smiled at me and got back into the game.

He was the best player on the varsity team. He was just like me very smart in school, but he skipped a grade. He had a 3.8 GPA and that's the way I wanted it to stay. He hit another three-pointer and the crowd went crazy. I smiled and looked at Andre who was all into the game.

"He's really good." Emory said.

"Thank you." I said keeping my eyes on the game.

I was about to say something else when one of the boys on the other team pushed Jason and mushed his face. Jason grabbed the dude and they began fighting along with the other players. I ran out there while the coaches tried breaking it up. They got it under control and I grabbed Jason and calmed him down.

"All the players please report to the designated locker rooms." The principle of the school said. I went with the boys to the locker room.

"Mama I'm fine." Jason said as I looked at his face. I started to talk to him in German and he sighed and responded back in German.

"Ms. Collins." I heard and looked back. I saw Coach Riley.


"There's someone out here saying he's Jason's father." I looked at him confused and I walked to where he said the guy was and I saw Dallas standing there. I rolled my eyes.

"He can come in." I said turning back to go over to Jason. "Be nice and keep calm." He sighed.

"Jason are you ok?" Jason nodded and looked down at his hand. I looked down and saw blood.

"Coach Riley do you have a first aid kit?" I asked looking back at him.

"Uh let me go get the physical trainer." He left the locker room and the boys began talking about the fight and Josh came over.

"Hey Mama Z." I sighed and smiled.

"Hey, baby." The locker room door opened and Coach Riley, the physical trainer, and the principal came in. They came over to Jason and started talking to him while he got his hand cleaned and wrapped.

"We have no other choice but to sit him out this game and the next one." The principal said and the boys began getting rowdy.

"Hey enough!" Coach Riley yelled and they got quiet.

"I'm sorry guys. I let my anger get the best of me by not walking away." Jason said.

"But he didn't start it, Principal Kay." One of the boys said.

"I know, but he did escalate it." She said.

"Well, what was he supposed to do. Stand there and let the boy hit him?" I said.

"Walk away." She said.

"I taught my child that if someone puts there hands on him to put his back on them."

"I would expect that from a single parent."

"Excuse you, my son is fine." I said getting upset

"He has a temper problem. I wonder where he gets it. Is his father in his life? I doubt it." Dallas put his hand up because he knew I was about to set it off.

"Ok, you're crossing the line, Ms. Kay." Coach Riley said.

"Jason is a good student, yes, but his temper is horrible. He won't make it far in life with that attitude."

"You don't tell me how far my son will make it in life. He's going to be better than probably half the young men in this school, no offense. You know it's people like you that bring our young people down. You'll regret the day those words came out of your mouth. Don't worry about him playing another game because I'm taking him out of this school." I heard a lot of murmurs, but I didn't care no one was going to talk bad about my child.

"Like I said he's sitting out the rest of this game and suspended for the next one. Just so you know Ms. Collins, I don't care what you do with your son, he's just another want to be baller." Dallas and Coach Riley grabbed me because that was my final straw with her. She began to walk away.

"Jason let's go." I began speaking German again because I was livid.

"Ms. Collins please think about this." Coach Riley said as he pulled me to the side. "He's a very gifted young man and what if I work with him on his anger. I used to have anger issues to, but I overcame them with help from my own mentor. I told you, a lot of people want him." I sighed.

"Fine, but that principal won't be here for long."

"Personally I don't like her either, but that's my boss." We laughed a little.

"Alright, I'll let you work with him." I agreed.

"Thank you." We walked over to Jason and saw Dallas talking to him.

"The game will continue in five minutes." One of the refs said coming to the locker room door.

"Ok." Coach Rilley said. "Ms. Collins, would and your friend mine going back to the audience. I need to talk to the boys before going back out there."

"No problem." Dallas and I left.

"Thanks for letting me see him."

"I'm not your wife Dallas, I wouldn't keep you away from him. Can you help me with something though?"

"Yes, anything."

"The principal." He stopped me.

"Already got it handled. No one is going to talk to our son like that." I shook my head.

"How's Jeremy doing?" We got out to the gym.

"He's good, right over there actually." He pointed and I looked and Jeremy waved. "He still hates me for not introducing them earlier because he always wanted a brother, but you know."

"I don't know, but I'm sure Christy is the blame. I'll see you after the game." I walked away and over to Andre and Emory.

"Everything ok?" Andre asked.

"Yeah. He has to sit out this game and the next one."

"Oh man." Emory said.

"I know." All the players came back out and began shooting free throws. Jason and the guy he fought was sitting out and I saw a lady over there talking to him. I assumed it was his mother so I just looked away.


"Isn't that mom?" Jeremy asked.

I looked to where he pointed and saw Christy talking to the boy who fought Jason. She handed him some money and pulled her shades down walking out. I felt anger take over my body. That was it for her. She wanted to play with my son, then let the games began.

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