The Parents

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"You want me to meet your parents?" She asked again.

"Yes, Zarah." I said sighing.

"Why Dallas?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"So they can meet you and get to know you."

"Dallas get away from me. I'll see you at my next appointment." She began walking away but I grabbed her arm gently.

"Zarah please ok. I'm about to have a second child with you."

"Yeah, again and it's my fault. You don't get it, do you? Your family will never accept me and you won't bring my children into this. Christy has probably been feeding them a bunch of bullshit."

"Zarah please we can meet somewhere tonight." She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Fine but it will only be me. No Jason understand?" I nodded. "Text me the place." She walked to her car and got in.

I got in mine and watched her leave. I followed her for a while until I saw her pull into this restaurant parking lot. She got out and I saw someone else that looked like a man. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. They let go and he turned and it was that kid Tristan. I sat there for a minute watching them until they went inside and I left.

I went to my parents' house and saw Jeremy's car in the front. I parked and got out walking up to the front door using the key to unlock the door. I walked into the house and heard talking. I walked towards the living room and saw them talking.

"Hello," I said and they stopped talking.

"Hey, son."

Hey, dad."

"Hello, Dallas." They said in unison.

"How's everybody doing?" I asked sitting beside my dad.

"Good." They said except my mom she just looked at me.

"Why do you look so sad?" My mom asked.

"I'm not sad. I'm just dealing with a lot."

"It's the divorce. It's Gods way of telling you it's not right." She shook her head.

"Mama stop bringing God into this and besides I have more going on than Christy."

"Son." My dad said with authority, he was also a judge. Well retired but he was still well known. While my mom was a home wife.

"Sorry I came here to ask to take y'all to dinner tonight."

"Ok, that's fine with us. Where at?" My mom asked.

"Uh nowhere extravagant. Someplace simple I have someone I want you to meet."

"Oh ok well." She was quiet. I wonder how tonight was going to be. Knowing my mother's mouth then it was going to be long.


We were sitting at the table waiting for Zarah to come. We had just got here, but I didn't want my mom waiting outside. Jeremy came just because he was still at the house and wanted something to eat.

"Where is this someone at Dallas?" My mom asked.

"They're coming." As soon as I said that Zarah came in with Andre behind her. I waved and she walked over as I stood.

"Hey, Dallas." She said as I tried to hug her. She hesitantly gave me a hug.

"Hey." I let her go.

"Sup Dallas." Andre said with a smirk.

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