What Happened

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I woke up to the sound of beeping and someone holding my hand. I blinked a few times trying to get my eyes adjusted to the light. I tried to sit up, but my belly was in the way. Wait I'm pregnant? What's going on? I looked over and saw a boy in a chair on my right and a guy holding my hand on my left. They looked familiar.

"Hello." I said and they both jumped up.

"You're awake." The guy holding my hand said.

"Yes, why am I in here?"

"I'll go get a doctor?" The boy said leaving.

"You don't remember?"

"No I don't and who are you?" He looked confused and then saddened. The boy came in with a doctor.

"Zarah, hey I'm Dr. Livingston. How are you?"

"Confused. How did I get here? Who are they? How am I pregnant? What's going on?" He sighed.

"Temporary memory loss and a mixture of the medicines. She should remember after a week or so. Zarah this is your son Jason and boyfriend Tristan. You were in a car accident. You're just waking from being in a coma for a month and you're almost nine months pregnant." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Wow, how old are you Jason?" I asked looking at him.

"17." He said.

"And this is your baby?" I asked looking at Tristan.

"No, I'm..."

"I wouldn't confuse her any more than she already is." The doctor said.

"Will that confuse her?" Tristan asked. He and the doctor stepped out and into the hallway.

"Is that your dad?" I asked Jason. He looked at me, but didn't respond. The doctor and Tristan came back in.

"Ms. Collins, what do you remember?" I sat there thinking.

"I really don't remember anything?" I answered honestly.

"How long will this last?" Tristan asked.

"It shouldn't last long because she was in a coma for a while so I understand her confusion. It happens all the time."

"When can she leave?" Jason asked.

"Let me run some test and make sure she everything is alright. Let me go get a nurse to get started." I sighed as he walked out.

"Don't worry mama we're here for you." Jason said grabbing my hand. I smiled softly.

"Yeah, baby we got you." Tristan said kissing my forehead. I heard a knock on my door and it opened. I saw a familiar face.

"Hey Zari how are you?" I looked at Tristan and he looked at the guy. "What's wrong?"

"She doesn't know you." Jason answered. "She has some memory lost from the coma and meds." He explained.

"He looks familiar." I said softly.

"I'm Andre your best friend. I helped you raise Jason." I sighed.

"I'm sorry Andre I wish I could remember all of you." I said shaking my head. I looked down at my belly and grabbed my stomach as the baby kicked.

"You ok?" Tristan asked as he and Jason came closer to me.

"Yes, the baby just kicked." I said.

"Alright, Zarah lets get you some test done so we can get you out of here." The nurse said coming in. She began doing a routine check up such as my temperature, blood pressure, and checking my brain waves.

"Is the baby okay?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"Everything is just fine. I'm going to go let the doctor know you're doing fine." She walked out.

"Was I the only one in an accident?" They looked at each other.

"No, but everyone else is fine. Just worry about you." Tristan spoke.

"Alright Zarah we're going to keep you two more days for observations. Let's get you up and get you some fresh air and get your legs stretched." The doctor said coming back in.

"I'll help you." Jason said as Tristan stood to the side.

"God I feel like a whale." I said sighing as they helped me.

"You look beautiful mom stop it." I smiled. The nurse came back in with a wheel chair.

"Ready?" She questioned and I nodded. Jason helped me in the chair and I smiled.

"Thank you." They wheeled me out to the garden in the hospital courtyard and I took a deep breath.

"So do you live with me?" I asked Tristan after a few moments of silence. I don't know why, but it was the first thing to come out of my mouth.

"No, I live in a condo across town."

"Oh ok. Have we've been together long?" I really needed answers.

"Mom the doctor told us to let you remember on your own so you won't be confused. After a week and you don't remember anything then we will answer any question you have." Jason said softly.

"Ok sweetie." We sat outside for a few minutes longer as we slowly walked around to get my legs moving. "A month in a coma. I can't imagine how you guys feel."

"We are just glad you are okay." Tristan said grabbing my hand with a smile.

"Yeah me too." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Let us know when you get tired. We don't want you to overdo it." Jason said.

"Well I am out of breath, but I want just a few more minutes." I said with a sigh.

"Let's head back to the wheelchair then." We turned and walked back to where we left the wheelchair.

"Thank you both." I said as we made it back to the hospital room. I got comfortable on the bed and felt myself growing tired already.

"I'm going to get us some food." Tristan said speaking to Jason as he nodded getting comfortable in the chair beside my bed.

"I love you mama. Don't ever scare me like this again." He said taking my hand.

"I won't." I said limiting his hand to kiss it.

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