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"Well, you're definitely pregnant. Six weeks to be exact. Have you previously had a child?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, 17 years ago." He nodded.

"Ah ok I see now." He said looking at something on his chart.

"See what?" I asked concerned.

"I see why your cervix looks like that. You've been without sex for how long?"

"17 years." I mumbled as the doctor chuckled. He scratched his beard and then rubbed his neck.

"I see, well this pregnancy is going to be a little difficult because of how long it's been since your last pregnancy. But you're still young so I wouldn't worry too much. I'm going to watch you very close for the next two months just to see how your weight is. Do you have any questions?" I sighed and shook my head no.

"I'm good."

"Ok well let's look at the baby and then I'll send you on your way. Is the baby's father in your life?" He asked as I laid back on the bed.

"Yes. I just wanted to come alone today. Make sure that I wasn't going crazy."

"No problem. I just ask my patients to see if they will have any stressors in the future." I nodded.

"I understand." I relaxed as I saw him grabbed the gel.

"Ok now this going to be a little warm."

"Warm? Normally it's cold."

"I have my ways." He chuckled squirting the gel on my stomach. He put the ultrasound stick on my belly and moved it around. "Here we go. We have the little boy or girl. Very small for now, but listen to this." I heard a beating sound. "The heartbeat."

"Wow." I said in aww.

"I know it is a little early, but that's good. Now I want you to take it easy on yourself. Again this could be high risk pregnancy." I nodded. "Would you like a picture?" He asked as he cleaned the gel from my stomach.

"Yes please." I sat up after he was done and turned back to the screen.

"Does your other child know?" He asked printing off the picture.

"No, and I don't know how to break it to him." He nodded.

"I understand, but look don't stress yourself out about it. It's not good for you or the baby." I nodded and he handed me the picture.

"I gotcha." I said placing it in my bag.

"Ok, now I want to see you back in two weeks." I got off the table and shook his hand.

"Ok and thanks, Dr. Garret." I shook his hand and walked out. I went to the front behind a woman.

"See you later Mrs. Landing." I heard the lady say as the woman in front of me turned around. I quickly looked away. I saw her look at me out the corner of my eye.

"Excuse me." She said and moved around me as I moved up to the counter.

"How can I help you?"

"I need to schedule an appointment for two weeks." She typed on the computer.

"Ok, what time?"

"Around this time." I said and she nodded.

"Ok, will that be all Ms. Collins?"

"Yes thank you." I walked out of the building and was digging through my purse for my keys.

"I should've known it was you." I heard and looked up. She was standing by my car with Emory.

"Excuse me?" I said while calling Dallas without them noticing.

"I said I should've known it was you. You're the reason he's divorcing me." Christy said glaring at me.

"I haven't done anything and I don't know who or what you're talking about. Now excuse me." I said trying to get to my car, but Emory pushed me back. "Don't touch me." I said calmly.

"So little Ms. Zarah Collins thinks she's going to have another baby by my man." She laughed and shook her head. "I don't think so."

"What the hell are you talking about I'm not pregnant." I lied.

"Then why are you here?" She quickly asked.

"Why are you here? All in my business." I asked annoyed by them.

"Little girl I will end your world." I laughed shaking my head. Christy looked young for her age, but I knew better.

"Not like I can end yours. Now if you two would please get out of my way. I have someplace to be." I walked around them to my car.

"I told you, y'all better watch your back." Emory said as I got in my car. I rolled the window down as I backed out.

"Fuck off and get a life." I said flipping them both off. I drove off and grabbed my phone.


"You hear the shit I go through because of you." He sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"You better get her." I hung up.

I knew I had to tell my dad. The way this bitch was talking I knew I was going to go back to my young days pregnant or not. I drove to my parents' house and saw my uncle and dad outside.

"Uncle Tiny." I yelled running to him.

"Hey baby girl." He said picking me up spinning me.

"Well hello to you too sweetheart." My dad said.

"Hi, daddy I came to talk to you about something." Uncle Tiny let me go.

"What's going on?"

"Somebody's been threatening me and Jason." His face went serious.


"Dallas' wife and my old boss. They're trying to kill me and Jason."

"Let's go inside and talk." I nodded and we went inside to his office. "Start from the beginning." I started from the incident at Subway all the way up until today not leaving out any details. Him and Uncle Tiny's face was priceless.

"So wait you're pregnant?"

"He hit you?" They asked in unison.

"Yes I'm pregnant and yes he hit me." I said and they both jumped up.

"I'm going to kill him." They said in unison again.

"Who?" I asked.


"Emory." They said in unison again. I sighed.

"Please stop doing that."

"Sorry." They said in unison again.

"Oh my god stop."

"Anyway so what do you want us to do?" Uncle Tiny asked.

"I'm not sure yet. Until they make a move. I'm pretty sure she has some type of law on her side. Dallas is a judge so she probably knows some big time lawyers or judges."

"You sure?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, but if we do handle them I want one of Ghost's boys to handle them." They looked at each other.

"You really want this done I see." Uncle Tiny laughed.

"You never threaten a woman's child." I stood.

"Keep me posted." My dad said.

"I will now I got to go eat." I left and went home.

If Christy even thinks she's going to win this battle she better think again. My daddy ain't raise no punk. I stay humble for a reason, but threats I don't take to lightly.

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