How Could You

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Dinner went smooth and Nate and his family just left.

"That went well." Christy said and I nodded.

"Indeed it did. Jeremy, are you staying tonight or going home?"

"Home, I have to go to the center early in the morning." He said looking for his keys.

"Ok, goodnight son. Sweetie I'm going to head on up." I hugged them both.

"Night dad, mom." I walked him to the door and began going upstairs.

I went to my briefcase where I found my other personal phone. I saw I had 10 missed calls all from Andre.

"Shit." I quickly called back.

"Dallas." Andre answered panicked.

"Andre, what's wrong?" I asked thinking the worst.

"Zarah's in the hospital." I quickly jumped up and grabbed my keys.

"What hospital?"

"The one ten minutes from downtown."

"I'll be there soon." I hung up and began walking down the stairs.

"Where are you going Dallas?" Christy asked while she went upstairs.

"One of my friends are in the hospital. I just got the call."

"Oh, do you want me to go with you?"

"No. it's ok." I said almost to the door.

"Nonsense I'll go with you just let me grab my purse."

"No sweetheart let me go and I'll call if I stay out late." I quickly got in my car and went to the hospital.

"Zarah Collins please?" I asked the nurse.

"And you are."

"A very close friend." She sighed.

"Room 424."

"Thank you." I quickly walked towards her room. I knocked on the door and Andre opened it. He stepped out and closed the door. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Giving you a warning. Jason isn't the happiest camper right now." I sighed.

"I think I can handle my son but thanks." He sighed.

"I don't think you have seen him like this, but ok." He stepped aside after shrugging and I opened the door.

"Zarah." I said when I saw her laying in the hospital bed with her hand and arm wrapped up. She looked at me with glossy eyes as Jason had his head down. "Is someone going to tell me what happened?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.


"How could you lie to me?" Jason said cutting Zarah off. I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about son?"

"Am I your only son?" I was taken aback by the question.

"Jason please not now. We need to leave here first before doing this." Zarah said just above a whisper.


"Jason please alright." Zarah said and her machines started going off. A nurse rushed in the room to her.

"Ma'am in order for you to leave we need you to calm down and we need your blood pressure normal. It's too high and we can't let you go until then." The nurse said.

"Ok." She responded. The nurse checked a few more things and left.

"How could you lie to me for 16 years? I thought you loved me." Jason said.

"What are you talking about?" I said confused

"Your other family." He said with anger and I sighed.

"You told him?" I asked Zarah.

"Can we please get out here first?" She said staring at nothing in particular.

"Mom why you scared of him?"

"Jason come walk with me and let us talk." Andre said.


"That's wasn't a request. Let's go." They both got up and left. I went down and sat beside her bed.


"He wrote a paper on you for an assignment. He said he felt as though we were both hiding something from him. His next question was right on. 'Does dad have another family'?" She laughed quietly. "Dallas he yelled at me and I've never seen him like that before. He broke a vase and that's how this happened." I was shocked, hurt, pissed, confused. I was all over the place with my feelings.

"I'm so sorry Zarah." I said sincerely.

"Dallas I was trying to prevent this from happening. I am in the hospital now because I blacked out. My blood pleasure was through the roof." She sighed as her machine started beeping. The nurse came in and sighed. "I'm sorry, but my hand is in a lot of pain."

"We can give you some morphine, but the doctor gave us orders for you to stay overnight." Zarah closed her eyes.

"Ok." The nurse left after giving Zarah the medicine.

"Zarah I'll talk to him ok."

"Talking will not help the situation."


"Dallas let him cool off first give him a couple of days." She said cutting me off. I sighed wiping my hand down my face.

"Fine I'll give him a couple of days, but then I'm coming over and having a talk with him." She sighed and nodded.

"Alright but do not tell your wife about..."

"I won't." I sighed. "I'll check with you tomorrow alright?"

"Ok." I stood and went and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Zarah. I'm going to fix this." She shook her head.

"You couldn't fix it sixteen years ago. You can't fix it now. The damage is done." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away and another fell. "Why did you have to do this Dallas?"

"Zarah I really do love you, but I just knew that I was going to hurt you. Christy can handle a lot of things, but if she ever found out about you and Jason, it would be bad for all of us."

"No, it would be bad for you. Our son is upset because he found out the truth and your wife is the first thing on your mind. Nobody should come before Jason or Jeremy. Not me or Christy." She sighed. "Dallas just go please." I heard what she was saying, but that wasn't what I knew.

"Alright, I'll go, but I'll call you tomorrow."

"Don't even bother." I sighed and walked out the room.

I went to my car and sat in the car for twenty minutes just thinking about how I was going to deal with this. I was going to have to come to terms with my reality. I knew Zarah was right, but no one knew the dark side of Christy like I do. I shook my head and then proceeded home.

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