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"Why you always gotta open your mouth?" Andre said as we walked into the kitchen.

" Yeah, why you always pissing her off?" Jason said as he came in behind us.

"Watch your mouth." He sucked his teeth.

"Watch my mouth? You're really tripping." He got some water and drunk it.

"You and your mama going be the death of me." I sighed sitting at the table.

"Don't blame that on me and her." He shook his head. "I won't let you ruin what she has with Tristan." I stared at him.

"Ruin what they have. Jason, you have no idea what your mother and I have going on."

"I don't care. She's happy and you're just mad it's not with you. Grow up dad. Don't do to the twins what you did to me. You need to find Christy and tell her because if she comes after us, I'm afraid your divorce will happen a lot quicker." He drunk the rest of his water and walked out the kitchen.

"Find that girl before something happens to you and her and these kids be fatherless." Andre said leaving the kitchen.

"Dallas." I heard and turned to see Zarah's mother standing in the back door.


"You ok?" She said walking into the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry about that back there. I just really love your daughter, but I just keep messing up." I sighed and shook my head.

"Dallas you have to be her friend first and because you weren't and you used her, she will forever have that memory of you. Do your parents know about the twins?"

"I haven't talked to my parents since Zarah was a few months pregnant." She motioned to a chair and we sat down.

"Dallas I want you to go home and get your life in order. I know you mean good to my daughter. You just show stupidity before you show emotion. Talk to your parents and then talk to Christy. Fix your problems with them before you fix your problems with Zarah. Just remember one word though."

"And what's that?"

"Patience. Patience is all you need."

"Mama." I heard Zarah's voice. We looked over and saw her standing there holding Zariah.

"Yes, baby."

"The midwife said I should go lay down and rest. Could you bring Adonis upstairs for me?"

"I'll be right there sweetie."

"You can come say goodnight Dallas." She said before walking away.

"Come on and remember what I said. I do like you Dallas. Just make things right one step at a time with one person at a time." I nodded my head and followed her.

A Week Later

I was feeding Zariah while Adonis just fell asleep in his car seat. I let Zarah have the day off and I was going to let my parents meet the kids. I was taking Zarah's mom's advice. I was sitting outside at a local restaurant waiting for them to come. Did Zarah know? Of course not. She would literally slit my throat if she ever finds out I took them around my parents without her consent. As I began burping Zariah my parents walked up to the table.

"Hello, son." My dad said as he bent down and gave me a hug careful not squish Zariah.

"Hey dad, hi mom." I said quietly.

"Dallas." She said. "Whose kids do you have?"

"Mine." I said and she smiled.

"Oh, I didn't know Christy was pregnant." I rolled my eyes.

"These are not Christy' kids. They're me and Zarah's." Her face dropped.

"That bitch that set you up. You believe these bastards are yours?" I sighed letting the steam come out my nose as if I was a raging bull.

"Hold up, now watch your mouth about my grandchildren. I don't care what you have a problem with, but don't bring these kids in it." My dad said before I could even respond.

"Excuse you. You will not talk to me that way." She responded shocked.

"Well learn how to respect me, your son, and your grandchildren. I know you don't like what is going on here, but whether you like it or not these kids are here now. They're Dallas's kids and you will treat them like they are meant to be treated." My dad said firmly and my mother was quiet for a second.

"Fine." She sighed.

"What's their names?" My dad asked.

"Well, this is Zariah. And this is Adonis." I said pointing to each. "Zariah was the surprise. Adonis came out first." I smiled.

"She didn't know she was having twins?" He asked amused

"No." I chuckled. "Their heartbeats were in sync. They still are according to the doctor."

"Can I hold her?" My mom asked. I was hesitant at first and looked at my dad. He looked at my mom and then at me and nodded. I stood and walked over to her. I placed Zariah in my mom's arms and stood back.

"Be careful with her head." My dad said.

"I got this." She smiled down at Zariah. "Where did you get her name?" She asked staring at her.

"Zarah named her. I named Adonis." She nodded

"She's beautiful." My mom whispered. I heard a baby cough and saw Adonis moving.

"I think he's about to wake up." My dad said watching my mother. I went back over to Adonis to see him just looking around.

"Hey, Don." He looked at me and blinked. "You look like your mom when you just wake up." I laughed taking him out of his car seat.

"Oh, he really does look like his mom." My dad said looking at Adonis.

"How would you know?" My mom asked looking up at him.

"We did meet her or do you not remember." My dad shook his head.

"Want to hold him?" He nodded and I placed Adonis in his arms.

"He's so light."

"We're both light skin dad." I laughed and he joined.

"No son, light as in weight." I laughed again.

"I know I'm just joking." Zariah began crying.

" I didn't do anything I promise." My mom said quickly.

"No, she's just sleepy." I got up and got her. I put her on my chest and she immediately stopped crying.

"You're a natural." My mom said softly.

"I do have two sons." My mom rolled her eyes.

"He's not your son."

"Would you please not ruin the moment." I said with a sigh.

"Could you please just get a DNA test on them? It would make me feel more comfortable." I could've thrown something if Zariah wasn't in my arms.

"Dad, could you put Adonis back into his car seat?" I had to leave. I carefully put Zariah in her car seat.

"Son please." He said putting Adonis into his car seat.

"I'll bring them by in another two weeks." I said as I hugged him.

"I'll text you." He said and I walked away from them with both car seats in my hands.

Patience was going to really be needed with my mother. My dad on the other I could tell was going to be easier to deal with.

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