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"Mom come on." Jason yelled.

I was now three months pregnant and the doctor was right this was a difficult pregnancy. And today was Jason's birthday. I've been watching around for Christy and Emory, but they haven't shown up yet. I'm still on alert though. My dad even had security around me and Jason just as a precaution.

"I'm coming." I put on my shoes and walked out my room. I went downstairs and he was texting. "Here you drive." I said handing him the keys. I went to the car and got in the back. He and Dallas walked out.

"You told him he could drive?"

"Yes, now let's go." I sighed and closed my eyes.

I felt the car move and I fell asleep. I woke up with the certain urge to use the bathroom.

"We are almost there." Dallas said.

"Good, cause the bathroom is calling my name." He laughed and shook his head.

I had told Dallas, Jason, and Andre all at the same time that I was pregnant and it was crazy.


"Alright so I made this dinner as an announcement and some of you might be shocked but trust me not as much as I was." I said a nervous wreck.

"What's going on mom?" I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Ok, I'm pregnant." I said and it went silent. I sighed again and shook my head.

"Who's baby is it?"


"Yes!" They all said in unison.

"Whoa, one at a time."

"How are you pregnant?" Andre asked.

"Andre I think you know how." I laughed and he sighed.

"You know what I mean Zarah."

"It just happened."

"With who mom?" I looked at Jason and then Dallas. "Dad!" He yelled and I nodded slowly.

"Zarah, have you lost your damn mind? You're going through this again he's not even divorced yet?"

"I know but..."

"But nothing. Damn was he not leaving you the first time enough? I was there through you through the whole situation the first time and trust me he would not have not done have as much as I did."

"I'm not leaving her again I promise. I want to be here." Dallas said quickly.

"Your promises don't mean shit to me." Andre got up.

"Andre please ok. I know God is doing this for a reason." I said trying to believe it myself.

"God is trying to tell you to leave his ass alone. You just not listening Zari." He sighed and walked out the kitchen.

"I need a moment to process this." Jason said standing up and leaving as well. I sat down in my seat.

"I'm sorry." Dallas said grabbing one of my hands.

"You are always sorry. Can you please just do us right for once. Until your divorce is finalized, we have nothing." I stood up and left.

**Flashback Over**

And we haven't communicated since unless it was about the baby or Jason. He moved into an apartment close to the house just to make sure I was ok. I was seeing Tristan a lot more lately but that's because of our surprise we have for Jason.

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