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"Zarah was in an accident." Andre said out of breath.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Come on we're heading to the hospital now." He said and I grabbed my wallet and keys off the table by the door. I locked up and jumped in the car with them.

We ran into the waiting room where Jason, Tristan, and her parents were sitting looking distraught.

"What happened?" I asked semi out of breath.

"The car just wouldn't stop." Tristan said shaking his head in a daze. He had a gauze on his forehead and his arm was wrapped in bandage.

"This is all your fault." I said running up to him, but those two guys grabbed me. He looked at me unfazed.

"Chill out man." One of them spoke.

"It's not his fault dad calm down." Jason said pushing me into a seat.

"Is the baby ok?" I asked.

"We don't know? She was unconscious when we brought her here." Tristan said sighing. I wanted to rip his head off.

"What happened Tristan?" Mr. Collins asked.

"I don't know, we were sitting at a red light and it turned green. I began driving and the car just came full force. It was like  they were aiming for us." He said shaking his head again.

"Everybody just calm down. Zarah is a fighter and she will make it through this." Mrs. Collins said as I began shaking my leg.

An hour had passed and there was still no update on her. I saw Jeremy and Nate rush in like something caught on fire.

"Dallas we've been looking all over for you." Nate said as I stood going towards them.

"Why what's going on?" I asked even more concerned if that was an option.

"We saw the news. Zarah's all over the news." Jeremy said passing his phone to me. I saw a picture of Zarah and Tristan then the car.

"Jesus, how is she alive when the car looks like that?" I whispered.

"I don't know." I began getting teary eyed. "Let's sit down." Nate said sitting me in a seat.

"Hey, Jason." Jeremy said.

"Sup Jeremy." Jason said giving him a bro hug. I didn't know they were that close.

"She's going to be alright ok." They sat down. "Hey Mr. and Mrs. Collins." Jeremy said. How did he know them?

"Hey, sweetie." Mrs. Collins said.

"Hey, Jeremy." Mr. Collins said.

Jason put his head on Jeremy's shoulder as they talked quietly. Mrs. Collins was praying silently. Mr. Collins was talking to Tristan. Another hour had passed when a doctor finally came out and over to us.

"Are you the family of Zarah Collins?" He asked.

"Yes." We all said standing.

"Hello I'm Dr. Livingston, we got her stable, but she is in a coma. The babies are fine though. We are monitoring them closely."

"Wait babies?" I asked.

"Yes, she's having twins." The doctor said confused.

"That's why she's so big." Jason said.

"You guys didn't know she was having twins?"


"That's understandable because my nurse thought the baby's heart was beating too fast. It was two heartbeats and you can kind of see the other baby. They must've been hiding underneath the other one. It's not rare for twins to have the same heartbeat" I sighed in relief and shook my head.

"That's crazy." Tristan said.

"Yes well anyway, we don't know long she'll be in the coma. It can be for a day, a week, or a month, but she's not too badly bruised. We are more concerned from the head injury. There was some swelling and we had to remove a piece of her skull to relieve that pressure. She's a fighter though I can tell. Again the babies and her are being monitored closely. If anything does happen to where she is not awake within a few weeks, we are going to have to discuss delivering the babies. Is the father here?" I sighed and nodded.

"I'm here." I spoke up.

"We will need to speak about if we need to deliver early or not when the time comes." I nodded.

"Can we see her?" I heard Mrs. Collins ask.

"Yes, she's in a room now. I'll allow up to three people in her room to see her." He said and walked away for a second going to the nurses station.

"I think her parents and Jason should go first." Tristan said. Everyone agreed and the doctor came back over.

"Ok if the three will follow me." The doctor turned and they followed. It was only me, Nate, Jeremy, Andre and his friends and Tristan left.

"Dad don't start." Jeremy said. I guess he saw me staring at Tristan.

"No, I'm sick of this kid. He's trying to kill my kids." He scoffed looking over at me.

"Kill your kids? I love Zarah and I would never try to hurt her or her kids unlike you." He said. "This kid is taking better care of your son and mother of your children than you are. She was broken when I met her now all she can do is smile and it is not because of you. That's the part you hate, because it's not you. You had seventeen years to do that and you failed."

"You're getting out of hand son." Nate said.

"I'm sorry and who are you?"  He said quickly looking over to Ante. "Right, nobody, now both you get out of my face." Tristan was about to sit down until I pushed him. He staggered and began laughing. The two guys and Andre stood in front of him before he could retaliate.

"Don't let the suits and nice clothes fool you because I will go straight Baltimore on your ass." He said as they tried calming him down.

"Dad enough." Jeremy said and he looked at the entrance. I looked and saw where Christy, Isabella, and Jesus were standing. Christy had a smirk on her face that was only noticeable if you knew her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

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