Story of My Life

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"So tell me about your self." Tristan said as we sat on his living room floor in his condo eating some take out.

"What do you want to know?" I asked after chewing.

"How did you get to where you are now?"

"As in pregnant and sitting in your condo?" He laughed and shook his head.

"No, I want to know your life story." I sighed and shook my head.

"Well, you better get some more wine and get me some more juice because it's about to be a long night." He laughed.

"Well get comfortable and I will do that." He got up as I put my hair up in a bun.

"Where's your bathroom?" I said loudly after I rubbed my belly and standing up.

"Down the hall in my room. I only have one bathroom." I walked down the hall and into his room.

I went to the bathroom and was surprised at how neat his room and bathroom was. I used the bathroom, washed my hands, and walked out. I saw some pictures on his dresser and looked at it. It was different pictures of him and people in jerseys. I smiled at the one in his cap and gown from high school. I picked up one of him and three boys in their cap and gowns.

"Those are my best friends." I heard making me jump. "The one on the left side of me died two days after graduation. We grew up together since diapers. I was there when he was killed too. That was one of the worst days of my life. He kept me leveled and I kept him calm." I put the picture down as he came behind me. "These are all the overseas boys I signed." I smiled and looked back at him.

"That's wonderful."

"Well let's head back to the living room." He said and smiled. I nodded and began following him.

"So you let all your guest go to your bedroom for the bathroom?" I asked as we sat back on the floor.

"This is actually my new condo. I just bought it. That's why I don't really have any furniture in here. You're my first guest." He said as he handed me some juice.

"I see. So where do you want me to start?"

"When you were little." I sighed.

"From the time I was four until I was thirteen I moved a lot. I was born in Georgia, but then we moved to California when I was four. At six we moved to Alaska. Nine we moved to Mexico. Eleven Cuba and at thirteen just me and my mom moved back to Georgia after we thought my dad was killed. He popped up again in my life on my fifteenth birthday." I drunk some juice. "He said it was for my own good and that when I was sixteen he would tell me everything. Well, sixteen finally came he told me why we moved so much and why he faked his death."

"Why did he?" I looked at him and laughed.

"If I tell you I have to kill you." He laughed too.

"Ok, so after sixteen."

"After sixteen my parents started their own businesses. They started having these fancy parties to get there name out. Because I moved around so much I was homeschool and well advanced. So I graduated at sixteen and began online college classes." I rubbed my belly unconsciously.

"The party that ruined my life was the party where I met Dallas Landing. I was a wild child and the night I met him was one of my wild nights. I was finished with some work from my classes and I went to join the party. I saw him and he saw me. He finally came and spoke. We talked and he told me he wasn't seeing anybody." I stopped and looked at Tristan who was very intrigued.

"Go ahead." He encourage. I sighed and cleared my throat.

"He led me on until my nineteenth birthday. We snuck around until my party because of how old he was. I was having a party and he came later that night after everyone left. He made love to me or so I thought. The next morning I woke up to a note and bracelet. That same day I saw him at the mall with his fiancé." I laughed and shook my head. "I wanted to slit his throat, but I loved him. He came later that night to talk, but I didn't want to hear it. A few months later I found out I was pregnant with Jason." I smiled.

"And now here you are." Tristan said.

"Here I am, pregnant again with this idiots baby. Honestly I've only had sex twice in my life and you see how that turns out." He chuckled.

"Well, you're a very beautiful pregnant woman." I blushed.

"Thank you." I said drinking some juice. "Now what about you."

"What you see is me all my life. I always worked harder than I played. My father was in and out of my life. My mom was a single mother. I never wanted her to struggle again so I made it here. I bought her a new house and new car." He smiled.

"So explain the tattoos." He smiled.

"Some are in memory of all the people that passed before they saw me make it. Some I just got to have."

"I like this one." I said touching his lower arm area.

"That's my favorite one. Anyway so what do you do for fun?"

"How was he killed, your friend?" I asked. He looked at me and stared at me before speaking.

"He was shot. He would've made it if the bullet didn't bounce off one of his lungs and puncture a hole." I nodded. "He took that bullet for me. We were at the right place at the wrong time. He saw the gun before I did." He sighed. I wiped the single tear that had fallen from his eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset." He shook his head and took my hand in his.

"You didn't make me upset. I just never told anyone about it." He kissed my palm and closed my hand.

"This baby is going to be the death of me." I said shifting my position on the floor.

"I'm sorry I could get you a pillow if you're uncomfortable."

"No, your carpet is fine and very comfortable. I just have to use the bathroom again."

"Oh well let me help you up." He stood and helped me up. I went to the bathroom and came back and saw he had a pallet of pillows and blankets where I was sitting.

"Why don't you have furniture again?"

"I'm waiting for something." He smirked.

"Oh ok." He helped me sit down.

"I really don't mean to offend you, but are you sure you're only four months."

"My mom said the same thing. I am kind of big, but yes I am four months."

"Do you mind if I touch?" He asked.

"No." He hesitantly put his hands on my stomach. "Wow. It feels different."

"I know."

"Are you still sick?"

"Not as much, but this pregnancy is very different."

"How so?" He kept his hands on my belly.

"Well, I'm sick more. I eat a lot, a whole lot, my cravings are past weird. The list goes on and on." We laughed.

"You're so beautiful." He said.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"He was stupid to let you go." I laughed.

"You sound like Andre."

"He was. I know how to treat a woman and I'm going to show you that." I looked down blushing again. I felt him lift my face and he brought his closer to mine. "May I?" I looked into his brown eyes and nodded. He brought his lips to mine and slowly kissed me. It was a soft, but passionate kiss. I pulled back first because of my hormones.

"It's time for me to go." I said and we laughed. I had just noticed he still had his hand on my stomach.

"Ok. Let me help you up." He helped me up and grabbed his keys.

"Thanks" We left his condo and he drove me to my house. "Well, thanks for everything. I'll call you." I said as he walked me to the door.

"No problem and I'll call you when I get home and into the bed." I nodded and he leaned in and pecked my lips twice.

"Good night."

"Night love." He waited until I was in the house to pull off.

Tristan had my full attention and I was very interested.

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