What's Going On

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Mr. & Mrs. Collins ^^^


I pulled into my parents driveway with Jason and Andre singing this stupid ass song again. I swear if I hear No Flex Zone again I'm going to scream. I quickly cut off the car and sighed.

"We were listening to that." They said in unison.

"Get out now." I said getting out. They got out and we walked into the house.

"Is that you Zarah?" I heard my mom ask.

"Yes it's me, Andre, and Jason." She came around the corner in this nice blue dress.

"Dang grandma you look good in that dress." Jason said as they hugged.

"Thank you baby. You've grown some more I see. Andre the boys are in the guest house." She said after hugging Andre. He left and Jason followed.

"Where's daddy?" I asked as we walked into the living room.

"In his office. I'm going to meet some friends. I'll see you later." She hugged and kissed my cheek and walked out. I went up to my dad's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I walked in and smile as he stood. "Zarah my angel. How are you pumpkin?" He said hugging me and kissing my cheek.

"Hey daddy. I have to talk to you about something." We sat down.

"Ok shoot."

"I was given a case with your name on it. You have any idea why?" He smirked.

"Now sweetheart you know what I used to do. There's plenty of people looking for me. Don't you worry your beautiful head about it. You just do your job and let me worry about who it is."

"That's the thing daddy it just had your name attached. Nothing else came with it." He nodded.

"Ok. Anything else. How's Jason?" I sighed. "What's wrong."

"He found about Dallas and his other family. He had to go back to anger management classes." My dad sighed.

"Zarah why won't you just put him on child support." I shook my head.

"I don't need him daddy. I can make my own money. I hate being dependent on something or someone."

"I know Zari, I know." He sighed and leaned back in his chair rubbing his face. "Does his wife know about you and Jason?"

"No. She had me follow him the other day so she does think he's up to something." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'm so sorry baby girl. I hate you have to go through this."

"It's my fault. If I wasn't being so fast this wouldn't have happened. I love my son, but I would've waited. It's hard being a single mom. Thank God I have you guys and Andre."

"Mama Uncle Leland and Uncle Andre told me to ask you if I could stay the night?" Jason said through the door.

"Come say hello to your papa." He came in.

"Hey, Jason." My dad said as they hugged.

"Hey, papa. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Yes, you can stay the night."

"Daddy really." I said.

"Yes, you need time to yourself."

"We've been trying to tell her that." Jason said.


"Mama." I sighed. "Go home I'll be fine."

"I didn't know I had two dads." We laughed. "Fine I will go home but you behave. Dad, I'll see you later and tell mom I'll see her tomorrow." I said standing and hugging them.

"You leaving already?" Andre asked as I walked through the living room.

"Yep. Apparently, I need time to myself."

"Yes, you do." I rolled my eyes.

"Bye guys." They told me bye as I got in the car and left.

I pulled into my driveway and saw Dallas's car. I sighed and got out as did he.

"What do you want Dallas?" I said after we got in the house.

"You Zarah. I can't get you off my mind."

"Well, you better damn try." He grabbed my face and kissed me. I tried pushing him off but it was no use. I began kissing him back. It was so wrong to fall into his trap again, but to be touched by a man again in so long had me going insane. Especially my first love and heart break.

"I love you Zarah." He said when he pulled back.

"I hate you so much for doing this to me Dallas."

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not. Why would you do this again?"

"I can't help it ever since Jason found about Christy and Jeremy. I couldn't get you off my mind because deep down inside I know I should've been with you all along."

"You wait 17 years to tell me this now Dallas. You have bad timing for everything. You make me want to kill you sometimes." He stepped closer to me and I backed away.

"Zarah I won't hurt you again."

"You already have. Now go before I call Christy." He sighed.

"I'm divorcing her." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Don't think you're going to come to me after."

"I will get you back Zarah. I promise you that."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." He grabbed me by my waist roughly.

"I intend on making that promise come true." He said looking me in my eyes. I pushed him back and went to open the front door. He smirked as he exited. I closed the door with a sigh after watching him drive off. I shook my head and headed upstairs to enjoy my night alone.

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