The Scouter

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"Jason Devon Landing we have to go." I yelled as I walked towards the door.

"I'm trying to find the right tie." I sighed.

"Calm down I'll go help him, you go to the car." Dallas said as he headed to Jason's room.

"Ok." I've been feeling sick and nauseous all morning and it was driving me crazy. I went to the car and started it as they walked out with them both dressed in nice suits.

"Coach Riley is going to meet us there." I nodded as we backed

"Are you nervous?" Dallas asked.

"A little, but I know you guys got me." Jason answered.

We pulled up to the restaurant and saw Coach Riley talking to some man. I got out, but stopped as I felt nauseous again.

"You ok mama?" I nodded before we started walking again.

"And there he is Jason Landing. Jason this is the scouter I was telling you about." Jason shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you and these are my parents." Jason said stepping to the side a little.

"Hi, I'm Zarah Collins." I shook the man's hand and he kissed the back of mine.

"I'm Tristan Smith." He said making me blush because of the way he looked at me.

"And I'm Judge Dallas Landing." Dallas said with authority.

"Could we um go inside I could use some water." I asked as I felt that nauseous feeling again.

"Mom you sure you're ok, you look sick?" Jason asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah sweetie I'm fine." I said through the nausea.

"Ok let's head inside." Tristan said as he lead us inside and to the table already set for us. "Could I please get a glass of water for the lady?" He asked a waiter that passed by. They nodded and walked off.

"So Mr. Smith how long have you been a scouter?" Jason asked.

"Well I've been a scouter for two or three years, but I've been into basketball all my life. I look for the younger players because my other colleagues look for the boys that are already looked at or already wanted by other schools which clouds the person's judgment." I smiled as the waiter brought me some water.

"Thank you so much." I drank the water quickly and felt so much better. Dallas and Jason looked at me and I shrugged. "I'm sorry I was really thirsty."

"No problem. Would you guys like to discuss business now, during lunch, or after?"

"I think before would be fine." Dallas said.

"Ok. Well first off you guys should know, I'm not a normal scout for the college, but I scout for college and NBA as well. I'm a different type of scouter as you see. I help you get scouted by the selected college of your choice. We then make sure you progress throughout your two years in college and when you are drafted I'll still be with you through your first two years in the NBA think of me as your agent and scouter." I smiled.

"So wait you're a scouter and agent?" Jason asked.

"Something like that. Where I work and the field I'm in I can have you drafted right out of high school like LeBron, but I know your mom wants you to go to college." I nodded.

"I do and Jason knows I support his basketball dream, but school always comes first." Tristan smiled showing off his dimples.

"Well being as though he is junior he has a year left which means; I'm going to be in your life a lot. The first boy I had scouted had torn his ACL and broke his ankle. He was done and instead of him wanting help, he just gave up. If I'm going to be with you for almost four or five years, I need to know you're committed." I looked at Jason and Coach Riley who was quiet the whole time.

"Well, Coach Riley what do you think?" I asked.

"I think you're about to be adding two more men in your life." I laughed.

"Dallas?" I looked at him.

"I'm here for legal purposes. Everything is up to you and Jason." He said seriously.

"Coach Riley is Jason's mentor as well as his coach. I'm sure he's going to be there for him as well. I just want to make sure that every person in Jason's life is positive..." I paused because I felt that nauseous feeling again and it was worse this time. "Excuse me." I quickly stood and went to the bathroom.

I ran to the bathroom and into a stall empty all the contents of my stomach. After a few seconds, I stood and flushed the toilet. I walked out and went to the sink to rinse my mouth out and wet my face with some cool water. An elder woman walked in to fix her hair and smiled at me. I smiled back as I wiped my forehead.

"It'll pass soon." She said.

"I'm sorry." I said confusingly.

"Your morning sickness, it will pass. I know after my second one I was used to it." I was still confused.

"I'm sorry I don't understand."

"Oh, you don't know."

"Know what?"

"You're pregnant sweetie." I stood there in shock. "Congratulations." She smiled and walked out.

"Oh. My. God." I looked in the mirror and sighed. "Not again."


I watched as Zarah walked back to our table. It looked like she seen a ghost.

"I was about to send someone for you. Are you ok?" Tristan asked. I was so sick of this kid. He was getting on my nerves.

"I'm fine. I think it's a stomach bug."

"Well let's get to business so we can get you home." I said.

"Right, Jason this is a once in a lifetime. Signing to Wild  Sports will not only change your life, but it will support you for the rest of your life. We have a big name base overseas and now we're trying to bring it home to the U.S. We watch out for our own and their families." He reached into his bag and pulled out a piece of paper. "These are all the clients we have with us from overseas."

"Wow, all these people are apart of Wild Sports?" Jason asked.

"Yep and everyone has individual scouts and agents. Plus we do all types of sports and get our players ready for the Olympics if that's what they want to do." I looked at Zarah out the corner of my eye and saw her looking down.

"I love it. Ma what do you think?" He looked at her. "Mama we need to get you home. You look awful."

"I'm fine and it sounds wonderful. I just hope you know that this is what you want to do."

"I'm sure this is what I want to do. I'm going with Wild Sports." Tristan smiled.

"Great so I will meet you guys at the office and go over paperwork. You may bring a lawyer if you would like." He handed us each a card. "Just in case you have any other questions or concerns before we meet again. Coach Riley will let you know when the meeting will be." We all stood.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith." Zarah said.

"Call me Tristan please and no problem. I love to see kids like him. Hopefully, we can make him go all the way."

"Me too." Jason said shaking his hand. We all shook his hand and walked outside.

"Nice meeting you all." He said before walking away.

"Well let's get your mother home. Coach nice seeing you again." I said.

"You as well, get better Zarah." She smiled and walked towards the car.

When we got him Zarah went straight upstairs to her room. Jason and I went to change clothes and get more comfortable. After an hour I knocked on Zarah's door.

"Zarah, you ok?" I didn't get a response. I walked into her room and saw that the bathroom light was on and I heard sniffling. "Zarah." I said pushing open the bathroom door. She was sitting on the toilet holding a stick.

"How is it that after every one time, one time Dallas, I end up in the worst position." I was confused. She stood up and sat the stick on the counter. "Congratulations." She walked out and slammed the bathroom door. I looked over at the stick that read pregnant.

It's like I stopped breathing. I smiled and read it again. She was pregnant again with my baby.

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